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All You Need To Know About Piles

If you experience discomfort in and around the anal cavity during bowel movements or while sitting, then it may be a sign that you are likely to suffer from a condition called piles. Piles can affect people of all ages, but pregnant women and older adults are at an increased risk of suffering from piles.

Piles are also called Hemorrhoids. Piles are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins.  It can be developed inside the rectum or under the skin around the anus. These are clustered blood vessels, veins, muscles, elastic fibers, and inflamed tissues in the anal area. The symptoms which occur are possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus. After passing stool, an individual with piles may experience the feeling that bowels are still full. The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore. Pain during passing stool. Excessive anal bleeding, leading to anemia. Piles can be classified into four grades: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4.

Grade 1: Piles that have minor inflammations are usually available inside the lining of the anus and are also not visible.

Grade 2: These are larger than grade 1, but they also remain inside the anus of the person. They may get outside the anus while passing the poop, and they will return after defecation.

Grade 3: These protrude while passing the stool and must be manually pushed back inside the anus. They are called prolapsed piles.

Grade 4: server case of piles in which you cannot push it back inside, and it requires immediate medical attention.

Types of Piles

Based on their location, piles can be classified as:

  • External piles

External piles are the kind that is under the skin around the anus. The anal opening has many pain-sensing nerves, and as a result, these hurt and bleed. They are also more likely to hurt during defecation.

  • Internal piles: Internal piles are too far inside the rectum, so they cannot be seen or felt. Since the inside of the cavity has too few pain-sensing nerves, there is usually no pain. Bleeding may be the only sign of internal piles.
  • Prolapsed piles: A prolapsed hemorrhoid occurs when internal hemorrhoids swell and stick out of your anus.
  • Thrombosed piles: A thrombosed hemorrhoid contains a blood clot (thrombosis) within the hemorrhoid tissue. They may appear as lumps or swelling around your anus. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are essentially a complication of hemorrhoids, in which a blood clot forms.

What causes piles?

Piles are caused by swelling in the anal or rectal veins. This makes them susceptible to irritation. Several things can cause this swelling, including:

  • obesity,
  • pregnancy,
  • standing or sitting for long periods,
  • straining on the toilet,
  • chronic constipation or diarrhea,
  • eating a low-fiber diet,
  • coughing,
  • sneezing,
  • vomiting, and
  • holding your breath while straining to do physical labor.

Symptoms of Piles

It is vital to look for the symptoms of piles before taking the piles treatment. While not every one of them may experience piles symptoms, some of the most common are:

  • Painful bowel movements
  • Painful lumps or swelling near the anus
  • Mucous discharge while defecating
  • Bleeding after bowel movements
  • Irritation and itching around the affected area
  • Discomfort or pain while sitting
  • Redness and soreness around the anus

These are the common symptoms that one should look for and consult the doctor for the piles treatment. In sporadic cases, when piles recur often, the patient may experience anemia-like symptoms such as pale skin and weakness due to loss of blood. In some cases, the symptoms go away with time, while in some cases, the situation worsens if the piles are not treated on time. Therefore, it is important to talk to a doctor about the symptoms and get the piles treatment as per the severity of the symptoms.

Can diet influence Piles?

Diet has a significant impact in causing and preventing piles. People who consistently eat a high-fiber diet are less likely to get hemorrhoids, while those who prefer a diet high in processed foods face a higher risk of hemorrhoid. A low-fiber diet can leave you constipated, which can contribute to hemorrhoids in two ways. For one, it promotes straining on the toilet. It also aggravates the hemorrhoids by producing hard stools that further irritate the swollen veins.

Treatment options for Piles

In most cases, piles can clear up without the need of going for piles treatment. However, it is essential to visit a doctor before starting any form of treatment. Following are the different ways to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by piles:

  • Herbal Treatment

Your doctor may recommend herbal products for post-operative treatment. These products can be in the form of tablets or ointments. The tablets should be taken twice a day, one in the morning and the other at night for 30 days or as directed by the physician. The ointments should be applied directly to the affected area. It has analgesic (pain relieving), anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. For best results, it is recommended that you use Tablets and Ointment together.

  • Surgery

In rare cases, the patient needs to opt for surgery, and it is the last resort for removing piles when the situation worsens the patient. Surgery is usually considered when no other form of treatment works and piles start affecting your lifestyle. External or prolapsed hemorrhoids that get infected may also require surgery. Following are the indications for hemorrhoids surgery:

  • Excessive bleeding may lead to anemia
  • Intense pain
  • Strangulated hemorrhoids (an internal mass that has prolapsed and become trapped by the anal muscles)
  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids (internal hemorrhoids that bulge out of the rectum) that can’t be treated non-invasively
  • Signs of gangrene owing to the lack of blood supply to the tissue
  • Home care

Most doctors recommend home care to reduce the pain and symptoms of piles. Home care involves:

– Pain Relief

Take warm water in a tub and soak for at least 10 minutes if you have external hemorrhoids. Alternatively, you can sit on a warm water bottle. This will provide some pain relief and reduce irritation. Also, use baby wipes or moisten your toilet paper rather than using it dry. You should also avoid rubbing the area and use patting motions instead.

– Dietary Changes

Since piles are related to chronic constipation, you need to consume foods that soften your stools and reduce the strain. You can do it by:

-Increasing fiber in your diet: eat wholegrain bread, fruits, and vegetables

-Drink a lot of water

-Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee

  • Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathy treatment is one of the best and effective treatments for piles. You can always choose Dr Batras the best homeopathy clinic because they will have the best homeopathy doctor who can provide you with the safest and valuable homeopathic remedies that will significantly improve your condition in much convenient way. Homeopathic medicine for piles treatment is very effective in managing piles and the associated symptoms such as pain, bleeding, itching, etc. Homeopathic remedies prescribed by homeopathy doctors at Dr Batras clinic work at the root level and can modify the genetic tendencies, thus significantly reducing the chances of relapse and recurrence. Homeopathy can significantly help Grade 1 and 2 of internal piles treatment. Grade 3 piles can find some relief of symptoms with homeopathy but may not be completely cured. Grade 4 piles can get symptomatic relief with medicines. Some of the most common homeopathic medicine for the piles treatment are as follows:

  • Hamamelis virginiana improves venous circulation and relieves hemorrhoids that are painful with the slightest contact and bleed easily.
  • Ignatia – Hemorrhoids accompanied by spasms and stabbing pain in the rectum suggest a need for this remedy—especially if the person is sensitive and emotional. Stitching pains can be felt in the rectal area when coughing. Bleeding and pain are often worse when the stool is loose, and rectal prolapse sometimes follows bowel movements.
  • Aesculus hippocentaurs – When this remedy is needed, hemorrhoids are sore and aching, with a swollen feeling. Pain may last for hours after the bowels have moved. People who need this remedy often have the sensation of a lump or a feeling that many small sharp sticks are inside the rectum, poking them. A person who needs this remedy may also have low back problems.
  • For Piles with Rectal Prolapse, Lycopodium Clavatum is a medicine used to treat piles in cases of rectal prolapse. The piles may be swollen and painful, and the pain gets worse upon touching and sitting. Chronic constipation with a scanty stool, painful constriction at the anus, and excessive flatulence and bloating in the abdomen may also be present.
  •  For Internal Piles, Phosphorus is a medicine used to treat internal piles where there is bleeding during stool. Some other symptoms include excessive exhaustion, an urgent need to empty bowels, and rectal tenesmus (desire to evacuate the bowels).
  • For Large, Swollen Piles, Causticum is a medicine used to treat large, swollen piles that hinder the passage of stool from the anus. The person needs to pass stool by straining hard in a standing position. The piles are stiff, painful, and get worse upon sitting, standing, and walking. There may be a pressing and sticking pain in the anus along with a burning, stinging sensation.
  • For Piles with Pain after Stool – Sedum Acre is a medicine used to treat painful piles that feel worse after a few hours of passing stool. In a majority of cases, the pain is constricting. Sedum Acre is also useful for treating anal fissures with pain that worsens a few hours after passing stool.
  •  For Piles that get Worse during Sitting – Graphites Naturalis is a medicine used to treat painful piles that get worse during sitting. Cutting pains and swelling with cracks at the anus are present. The stool tends to be hard, knotty, and scanty.
  • For Itching Piles – Sulphur is a medicine used to treat piles when there is a soreness and tenderness at the anus along with a hard, knotty stool. Weakness after passing stool, excessive rectal pain, and a biting sensation at the anus that gets better upon lying down are some other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

These are the common homeopathic remedies for piles treatment that the homeopathy doctor recommends. But you should avoid self-medication. Always consult an expert homeopathy doctor for a tailored piles treatment plan.

Homeopathic medicine is prescribed only after analyzing the patient’s medical history, family history, and current condition. Personalized homeopathy piles treatment plan is given to the patient to reduce the symptoms and also provides long-lasting results. Homeopathy is one of the most preferred treatments because the medicines are made up of natural substances that do not have any toxic side effects and give long-term relief to the patient. At OHO Homeopathy, a team of experts will guide you with the best piles treatment plan so that you can cope up with the condition very smoothly.

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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