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Is Egg Good For Piles?

Eggs are a good source of protein, and it is always recommended to eat eggs to increase the intake of proteins in our diet. But having eggs is good for piles? Eating eggs and dishes made from eggs do not have a significant impact on piles. But we do understand that you don’t want to do something that will make the piles even more painful. To relieve or lower the pain from piles, ensure a smooth bowel movement since constipation is one of the worst triggers and pain in the piles. Consuming only specific types of foods can make this easier and believed to be the bеѕt wау tо prevent constipation and reduce pain during painful hemorrhoid flare-ups. Adding more fiber to your diet can soften the stool, thus making it less painful and easier to pass. If there’s a low fiber content in your diet, then only the symptoms of piles can cause you pain and discomfort. Hemorrhoid patients mау wаnt tо limit consumption оf low-fiber foods ѕuсh аѕ meat, fish, аnd dairy products. Alternatively, choosing whole grain foods like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and lots of fruits and vegetables would be an excellent idea for people suffering from piles. Patients can feel by simply changing food саn hаvе a positive effect оn piles. Eggs аrе extremely high in proteins and are weight loss friendly.

Given that they are high in proteins and cholesterol, eggs are among the healthiest foods you can eat in piles, given you eat one or two, which would benefit you. They are also a good source of fat, and eating fats are suitable for the piles. Eggs help in conditions related to the digestive system, from gastritis to irritable bowel syndrome. They don’t instantly intensify piles, even without any dietary fiber. It helps relieve constipation and allows for easy stools, reducing the strain during the bowel movements, which benefit piles.

Now, if you are thinking about how many eggs are safe to eat? See the answer below.

There are many different recommendations, eggs per day or week, supported by sound arguments and reputed nutrition experts. However, a single request cannot fit all. If you eat clean and healthy food and avoid processed foods, it will help you in piles. Also, consume many fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat in moderate amounts, not red, then you can take one or two eggs every day. This will ensure excellent overall health.

If you don’t like to maintain the doctor-recommended diets, continue to eat red meat, fatty fish, fried foods, then it’s possible that even as little as 2 – 3 eggs a week could add a lot of fat and cholesterol to your diet. It can increase the risks of heart disease, diabetes and lead to bad cardiovascular health. It’s all about balance, and you have to consider your diet to know if eating a few eggs every week could be good or bad for you. Just as important, know your body:

If two poached eggs in the morning help you feel energized and stay satiated till lunch, then they are likely good for you. If you feel nausea after eating one egg, feel like it weighs heavy on your stomach, or burp eggs flavors afterward, then eating eggs might not be suitable for you.

Piles or hemorrhoids are nothing but swollen veins around the anus. Your food pipe starts from the mouth and ends at the anus region. The last part of your food pipes is called the large intestine. The large intestine starts from the colon to the rectum and ends at the anus. The veins situated at the lower part of the rectum and anus are called piles or hemorrhoids. If the veins get swollen at the lower part of the rectum is called internal piles or internal hemorrhoid. The veins that get swollen at the anal region under the skin are called external piles or external hemorrhoids.

Some of the common symptoms of piles are as follows:

Bleeding: The delicate small veins in the anus and rectum portion can bleed by tearing when there is increased pressure inside the vein due to strain at stool or increased intraabdominal pressure. The hard stool, when pass tears the delicate thin lining of the veins present in the rectum and anal region that causes bleeding in piles.

Pain during and after stool: The pain occurs if an inflammatory condition develops in venous areas that causes the vein to swell up. The swelled veins themselves do not initiate pain as there are no pain fibers attached to it, but the swelled vein initiates muscles spasm around it the veins that cause pain especially the piles that protrude out. The other cause of pain in piles is thrombus formation in the piles vein.

Anal itching: The inflamed hemorrhoids leak mucus that can cause inflammation of the skin surrounding the anus, causing itching and burning.

Piles are uncomfortable, and most of the time, it can be annoying, but one need not worry because piles treatment is there. Piles treatment works by ensuring that the patient is not suffering too much from the conditions and also at the same time gives relief in a significant way. The primary strategy of the piles treatment is to:

  • To reduce the intra-abdominal pressure
  • If there is pain, then to relieve the pain
  • If there is bleeding, then to control the bleeding
  • If it is large and bulges out, then reduce its size so that the bulge decreases

You can often relieve the mild pain with some home treatments. But if you notice that the piles have become a significant issue for you, then it is essential to go for the piles treatment. Your doctor might be able to see the external piles. Diagnosing internal hemorrhoids might include an examination of your anal canal and rectum. Your doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. They feel for anything unusual, such as growths.

Visual inspection. Because internal hemorrhoids are often too soft to be felt during a rectal exam, your doctor might examine the lower portion of your colon and rectum with an anoscope, proctoscope, or sigmoidoscope.

Your doctor might want to examine your entire colon using colonoscopy if:

– Your signs and symptoms suggest you might have another digestive system disease

– You have risk factors for colorectal cancer

– You are middle-aged and haven’t had a recent colonoscopy

Homeopathy for Piles treatment

Homeopathy for piles treatment is one of the best and safest remedies to go for. Homeopathic medicines are made up of natural substances such as plants, minerals, and animals, and therefore it is safe and has zero side effects. Homeopathy treatment provides long-lasting results and offers long-term relief for patients who are suffering from piles. There are many homeopathy clinics that you will find, but it depends on you to choose the best homeopathy clinic to get treated by the best homeopathy doctor.

The piles are a disease of faulty lifestyle and faulty food habits that causes the anal veins to get swelled up and manifest all piles symptoms. So, in the treatment of piles, it is most important to correct the causative ailments responsible for developing piles. Besides that, the treating of symptoms in a gentle way can cure the piles permanently. The acute case of piles with bleeding, pain, itching can be very well treated by proper homeopathy treatment, which gives a long-standing relief from this condition. You can well control the bleeding of piles with proper homeopathy treatment. The pain and other symptoms can be well treated by adequate homeopathy treatment.

A homeopathy doctor will first examine and analyze the cause of the condition. After considering the patient’s medical history, family history, and current situation, they will prescribe a customized homeopathy treatment for piles. Here are some of the major homeopathy medicines for piles that the experts suggest.

  • Nux Vom helps to cure constipation. There is a heaviness of the abdomen after an hour of taking meals. Constipation with ineffectual desires to go for stool. Burning chest with a feeling of accumulation of foodstuffs in the throat. The person is nervous, irritable, hypochondriac, and fastidious nature. There is a habit of taking oily rich foods or junk fast foods, which causes all the symptoms. It is one of the most effective medicines prescribed to cure constipation or irregular bowel habit due to unhealthy food habits or faulty lifestyles.
  • Bryonia is advised in constipation if the stool is tough and the person gives more strain while passing the stool. The stool is hard as well as blackish in color and difficult to pass. There is a tendency to take more water as the person always feels thirsty.
  • Aesculus: There is a pain like burning and stitching pain in the anus that persist long hour after the stool. There is itching of the anus. Feeling of something stuck inside the anus because of inflammation of piles. There is a constipation tendency. The piles problem is associated with backache.
  • Anacardium: There is a constipation tendency with pain in an empty stomach. There is a headache feeling when the person is on an empty stomach. Taking of food relieves the headache and stomach pain. The person is tending forgetfulness and low confidence. If those symptoms are present in a person, Anacardium is the suitable remedy.
  • Lycopodium: The person is having more flatulency problems. There is a bloated sensation in the stomach with gurgling or rumbling sounds in the stomach. There is the heaviness of the abdomen generally occurs in the afternoon hour. There is a good appetite, but a little food makes him full of stomach. There is burning of chest and sour eructation with a bad taste in the mouth.
  • Carbo veg: There is flatulency with the bloated sensation of the stomach. Much more burping and the person feel relief after that. So much flatulency tendency that everything he/ she eats seems to convert into gas. There is the heaviness of the abdomen, generally of the upper abdomen.

Apart from these homeopathic remedies, the homeopathy doctor also will help you with specific tips that are needed to be practiced while treating the condition of piles.

– Avoid smoking as smoking causes more acidity and that causes piles

– Maintain your weight within the normal range as per your age and height. Obesity also contributes a factor for developing piles

– Avoid extra stress and try to keep yourself always joyful

– Practice yoga regularly

– Avoid all junk and fast foods, oily spices food,

– Add more natural fruits and raw vegetables to your diet

– Never skip your breakfast. Add more fruits and vegetables to your regular breakfast

– Regular exercise and morning walk is always advisable

– Take your breakfast and all meals in time.

– Late-night sleep and night shifting duty is harmful to your health and a cause for piles

– Take plenty of water minimum of 2 to 3 liters daily

– Avoid taking coffee, tea not more than once a day

Homeopathy works the best for Piles treatment. Every other patient is given customized homeopathy treatment depending upon the severity of the symptom. Piles treatment by homeopathy does not only reduces the symptoms but also provides the patient with effective results. At OHO Homeopathy, we understand that piles can be difficult to deal with, and therefore our homeopath experts are there for the patient to help them in the best way possible. OHO Homeopathy gives customized homeopathy for the piles treatment to the patient so that the patient gets the long-lasting results and recovers from the condition for better.

Homeopathy Doctor

Published by
Homeopathy Doctor

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