Categories: AcneSkin

Why do you need to stop popping your pimples?

Acne or pimples are the worst skin conditions a person can have, mainly if these are found in the face. It is tough to stop someone from popping his pimples because this procedure has been practiced since time immemorial. It became a part of our daily grooming regimen, and we cannot do anything about it other than just deal with its disastrous effects. Throughout the history of humanity, people suffering from acne problems have gone through so much pain and suffering, especially when they hit puberty during their teen years. Pimple popping or zit squeezing seems appropriate for dealing with acne problems, but dermatologists warn everyone that there is nothing good about doing this act. In detail, let’s know about acne and how popping acne can make it worse.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition that is characterized by the presence of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. It usually affects the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders—acne forms when the pores in the skin become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Bacteria can also enter the pores and cause an infection.

What are the leading causes of acne?

1. Oily skin

This is the number one cause of acne. When the skin produces oil, dead skin cells and dirt can stick into it to form a plug that may lead to an inflammatory reaction resulting in whiteheads, blackheads, papules, or pustules.

2. Hormonal changes

Acne usually appears during puberty or adolescence. During these periods, our bodies undergo significant hormonal changes, which can trigger the overproduction of sebum by glands found in the hair follicle lining, making them clog up quickly, leading to acne breakouts. Acne treatments for women may also vary from those used by men because their causes are quite different, significantly during menstruation, increasing their testosterone levels, giving way for more oil or sebum production on the skin. In oil production, they make the pores more susceptible to clogging up, resulting in pimples or breakouts under stress-filled situations.

3. Cosmetics and other skincare products

Some women are not aware that the makeup kit they have been using for a long time can be one of the causes of their acne problem. Some cosmetics and other skincare products may trigger acne outbreaks because they contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin, leading to infection and inflammation, mainly if used on already irritated skin.

4. Stress

Stress and tension can also trigger acne. Our body releases cortisol in stressful situations, which causes the sebaceous glands to remove more oil or sebum that may get into the pores leading to acne breakouts.

5. Genetics

Some people may inherit genes that make them more prone to developing acne. If one of your parents had acne, there is a good chance that you will too.

What are the different types of acne?

There are four main types of acne: comedonal acne, inflammatory acne, nodular acne, and cystic acne.

1. Comedonal acne

This is the most common type of acne, and blackheads and whiteheads characterize it. Blackheads are caused by sebum and dead skin cells in the pores, while the accumulation of sebum and bacteria causes whiteheads.

2. Inflammatory acne

Papules, pustules, and nodules characterize this type of acne. Inflammatory acne is triggered by the accumulation of sebum, bacteria, and white blood cells forming pus. The inflammation will cause redness on the skin resulting in papules or pustules while nodules form under the skin’s surface where they cannot be easily seen.

3. Nodular acne

This type of acne is characterized by large inflamed lesions that are painful and leave permanent scars, especially if not treated early enough. This can be caused by genetics or severe inflammatory reactions to skincare products or cosmetics that might irritate the skin, even more, triggering an overreaction from our body’s immune system.

4. Cystic acne

This type of acne appears as hard swellings underneath the skin’s epidermis. Cystic acne is more severe than other types of acne because it can lead to scarring, which may be permanent. These are often caused by overactive oil glands that produce too much sebum or an accumulation of dead skin cells along with bacteria leading to an infection underneath the skin’s surface.

Why do you need to stop popping your pimples?

Popping your pimples will only worsen your acne problem, not improve it at all. You are inviting infection and inflammation, which could leave hyperpigmentation on the skin. If you have a habit of pressing or squeezing pimples, this could further damage already weakened skin tissues making them susceptible to infections, thus worsening your current condition. But if you want to get rid of these annoying bumps, you should keep yourself updated with the latest acne treatments that can be availed from the dermatologist.

There are many reasons why you should stop popping your pimples, and some of these are:

1. It will only aggravate your acne problem: 

If you have acne problems, then the last thing that you should do is squeeze or pop your pimples, especially if they are new zits. Picking on pimples will only damage the skin making it more susceptible to infections.

2. It could leave permanent scars:

Since acne is already an inflammatory problem your popping, these bumps will lead to inflammation, resulting in hyperpigmentation on the skin. This means that when your skin heals, there are still traces of dark spots left behind on some regions of your face due to continued irritation and infection over a prolonged period.

3. You can develop Acne Scarring:

Picking or squeezing your pimples can not only cause redness on the skin, but you could also develop acne scars which are more difficult to remove. This can be very frustrating, especially if you are trying to get rid of these stubborn bumps as soon as possible for an important event or function that is coming up.

4. You could leave infection behind:

Squeezing these pimples will only cause further irritation and inflammation on the skin surface, leading to the development of acne pustules, nodules, cysts, or other types of inflammatory lesions on your face, which can cause permanent scarring if not treated early enough. That means that if you want to avoid permanent acne scars, then stop picking on your zits now!

5. Picking at pimples could worsen inflammatory acne:

It is usually not advisable to pick on spots because you might cause severe infection on your face, exacerbating your current acne problem. Picking at pimples will only worsen inflammatory acne and might cause an overproduction of oil from the sebaceous gland that will further clog up your pores.

6. It can cause infection and inflammation:

When you pick or squeeze your pimple, it will cause irritation, redness, and infection on the skin, leading to inflammation. This usually occurs when there is a build-up of oil on your face and bacteria, which can worsen your acne problem.

7. It can damage already weakened skin tissues:

The skin is already weak, especially if oily or acne-prone skin. Picking on your zits can cause damage to already weakened skin tissues making them even more susceptible to infections which could worsen your condition in the long run.

8. It can disrupt the healing process:

When you pop pimples, bacteria from the nose, mouth, and hair follicles might be introduced into your body, further disrupting the healing process of a wound or infection. This means that when you pick on a pimple, it will only prolong the time it takes for your skin to recover because any damage inflicted by picking at these pimples will prolong the healing process even more.

9. You may end up with permanent scars on your skin:

When you squeeze or pick on pimples, the pressure from your fingers can rupture the walls of your pores, giving harmful bacteria deeper access into your body which can then cause further damage to already weakened skin tissues. This means that picking at these pimples will only worsen their condition and might leave permanent scars behind if not treated immediately.

10. Your skin may become itchy and inflamed:

Too much scratching and rubbing on an itchy part of the body where a wound or injury has occurred could lead to irritation and inflammation, especially when you don’t allow damage or injury to heal in the first place properly. Now imagine what happens when you keep picking at your pimple? It worsens your acne problem even more because any time you pick or squeeze at your pimple, it will cause irritation and inflammation on the affected area, worsening your acne problem.

11. You can scab over pimples, making it difficult for whiteheads to get out properly:

If you pick at these pimples, they will never be able to come out correctly because you might leave a scab behind, making it more difficult for these pimples to heal. If you keep picking at your acne bumps, then this means that you won’t be able to extract them entirely because a scab has formed.

12. You don’t know if those acne bumps are cysts or not:

When you pop those pimples and touch the areas around them, this could cause further damage to your skin tissues, which usually results in severe inflammations and redness, and swelling of the affected area.

There are better ways to get rid of pimples without damaging your skin. So if you want to get rid of those pesky pimples, make sure that you stop popping them and consult a dermatologist instead for the best way to treat your acne problem.

The best way to deal with acne is:

1. Consult a dermatologist:

If you have a severe acne problem, then you should consult a dermatologist for the best way to treat your acne. Dermatologists usually prescribe medication and other treatments to help get rid of acne quickly and safely.

2. Use over-the-counter acne medications:

Many over-the-counter medications can help get rid of pimples quickly. Some of these medications include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and sulfur which can help dry out pimples and remove excess oil on the skin.

3. Use natural remedies:

Many natural remedies can help get rid of pimples quickly. Some of these remedies include tea tree oil, baking soda, and garlic which can help get rid of acne. However, you need to make sure that you consult your dermatologist first for the best way to use these natural remedies on your skin effectively.

4. Eat healthily:

Ensure that you eat a balanced diet because this will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and fight infections like acne quickly and safely. An excellent example of a healthy diet consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts, lean meats, eggs, dairy products like yogurt, etc.

5. Drink plenty of water:

Water flushes toxins out of the body, which can result in the reduction of acne. It would help if you aimed to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day so your body can get rid of toxins effectively.

6. Use aloe vera:

You can also use aloe vera, which has many benefits for the skin, including the ability to help get rid of pimples quickly and safely. Aloe vera contains enzymes that are known to kill bacteria while at the same time soothing inflammation. You should apply some aloe vera gel on your face to help reduce swelling, redness, and pain caused by acne bumps.

7. Use a green clay mask:

One of the best ways to get rid of pimples is to use a green clay mask that can help dry out excess oil and kill bacteria, resulting in the rapid growth of new skin. You should apply some green clay on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with water before patting your face dry with a soft towel.

8. Choose a homeopathic acne treatment:

Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that uses tiny doses of remedies to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and can help get rid of pimples quickly and safely. Consult your homeopathy doctor for the best homeopathic remedy for your acne problem. Homeopathy doctors customize treatment for each patient and treat both the physical and mental symptoms of acne. You can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy now!

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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