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Can Vitiligo Patients Eat Eggs?

Vitiligo is a skin condition that affects 1% of the population. Vitiligo is a non-contagious condition affecting the pigment cells in the skin, resulting in white patches on various body parts. The disorder can take a toll not only on emotional well-being but also physical well-being because it has been known to affect overall health.

One common question among vitiligo patients is whether they can eat eggs or not? There are arguments for both sides of the fence, but before we get into that, let’s look at what eggs have to offer your body and why one would want to consider eating them more.


Eggs are packed with vitamins including B7/Biotin, Vitamin A, D, E, and K. All vitamins help maintain a healthy body. Vitamins A and D help with the immune system, eyesight, skin health, and more.

Vitamin B7/Biotin is one of the most popular vitamins for hair growth and keeping a healthy scalp because it helps with sebum production, which is the oil your scalp makes naturally to keep from drying out. For those suffering from hair loss or who have been having issues with thinning hair, this vitamin can be vital in maintaining a healthy scalp environment so you can grow your hair back.

Vitamin D

Another thing vitiligo patients worry about is the risk of developing cancer. They may think that since they have white patches on their body, it can be easy for cancerous cells to form and grow unnoticeable. Eggs contain high amounts of vitamin D; vitiligo patients should pay more attention to it because Vitamin D has been proven to boost your immune system, which will help prevent infections like colds or flu. There’s also evidence that Vitamin D can help fight prostate, colon, and breast cancers, so adding eggs into your isn’t just suitable for pigment production but your overall well-being.


Eggs also contain high amounts of Iron which keeps red blood cells at an optimal level. This will allow for proper circulation around the body, helping to promote overall well-being. With improved circulation, you will also see an improvement in your skin’s health because you’ll be getting more oxygen and nutrients to all areas of the body, including your skin.

Vitiligo patients are often told to avoid certain foods since they can worsen their symptoms, but eggs contain healthy fats that promote cell growth. This is something vitiligo patients want to see since white patches on the skin are cells dying because they’re not receiving enough nutrients. The body thinks it has lost its pigment, so it stops producing melanin. It doesn’t necessarily mean if you eat eggs that this will result in pigment production. Still, it definitely won’t hurt your chances if you haven’t seen any improvement through other dietary changes.


Eggs also contain high amounts of antioxidants. These are vitamins that help to minimize skin aging. With age, skin loses its elasticity and the ability to heal itself as quickly. Antioxidants like Vitamin E found in eggs can be very helpful for those struggling with Vitiligo because they can speed up the growth process by healing faster, bringing back the pigmentation more quickly.

Vitiligo patients often experience pain or burning sensations on their white patches. Not only does this make them uncomfortable, but it also limits their movement because they don’t want to hurt themselves further since the area is already tender. Eating foods rich in antioxidants will help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals, which are essentially unstable molecules created when oxygen interacts with other ingredients causing oxidation. This is what happens when you age, the antioxidants naturally found in your skin start to wear out, and free radicals can damage cells causing your skin to change.


Eggs are packed with protein which is another essential element for those who have been diagnosed with vitiligo. Protein helps to keep a healthy immune system which will aid in the healing process. By eating meals high in protein, you’ll also notice you have more energy and feel healthier, so it can be a great addition to your diet if you’ve been feeling sluggish or tired lately.

Vitiligo patients often worry that some foods they eat may cause their pigment loss patches to worsen, but this isn’t true. There is nothing about eggs that would make your vitiligo any worse than it already is, as long as these are just additions to your current diet and not replacing any major dietary elements such as proteins from meats or vegetables.

Can eggs fill the nutritional deficiency in Vitiligo patients?

Eggs are filled with nutrients, but they’re not loaded with everything necessary to sustain good health. Vitiligo patients still need a well-balanced diet to get all of the vitamins and minerals their body needs. Adding eggs and taking daily vitamin supplements will help your body work better and provide the healthy pigmentation that vitiligo patients want so desperately.

How to eat eggs if you have vitiligo

You don’t need to eat raw egg whites every day to get these benefits. You can cook up some egg yolks and add them to your daily meals, such as omelettes, salads, meats, veggies, etc.

  • Try to eat 3-4 eggs per day if possible. If you suffer from stomach or digestion issues, try eating two whole eggs with one egg white instead of 4 whole eggs.
  • Eggs are high in cholesterol which some people avoid, but everyone needs cholesterol in their system, just not too much. These mustn’t be your only source of dietary cholesterol since it could have adverse effects on your health long term, so keep them as part of a healthy diet along with other foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Adding more Vitiligo friendly foods

You can also opt to cook up some veggies or fruits into an omelette if you don’t want to eat just the yolks alone. Try adding some spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, or whatever other veggies you like to an omelette with a little bit of cheese on top.


It is also an excellent option for those looking to add more vitamins and minerals into their diet, especially if you’re dealing with skin issues that need extra protection from the sun. Try adding some salmon or tuna to your omelette in the morning, or have it as a snack later on during the day.


Nuts are another great addition to any meal or snack, and they’re packed with healthy fats and proteins that nourish the body. Almonds and walnuts are great to snack on during the day since you can eat a handful and know you’re getting your daily dose of Vitiligo-friendly foods.

Green Leafy Vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables are a great addition to any meal and vitiligo-friendly diet, as they have many health benefits such as being packed with Vitamins A, C & K, and iron. You can add them to your omelettes and salads as a healthy side dish before you eat. Or you can snack on them by yourself as a quick and easy way to get the vitamins you need while on the go.

Root Vegetables:

Root vegetables such as carrots and turnips are also great to eat, and they’re packed with Vitamins A & C.

They have a sweeter taste than green leafy veggies, so they can be a nice treat if you don’t want too much veggie flavour in your omelette or as part of a side dish.


Mushrooms are another great addition to any meal and are packed with Vitamins B, D & K. Try adding some sauteed mushrooms to your omelets or into your veggies for breakfast or lunch.


Potatoes are a typical food that many choose not to avoid if you suffer from Vitiligo. The only thing you need to make sure of is that you don’t eat the skin since it can have higher levels of pesticides than what was used on the outside of the potato, so throw away the skin if this concerns you.

It is always suggested that you make dietary changes after consulting your doctor. Vitiligo-friendly foods will help your body get the nutrients it needs to provide a healthy pigment for your skin and protect you from various health issues.

During Vitiligo treatment, there are some foods that patients need to keep away from. The following lists the food category you can avoid and the reason for it:

  1. Avoid those with too much caffeine. It can make your immune system worse and speed up the process of skin colour loss—for example, coffee, cola, chocolate, and tea, etc.
  2. Keep away from high nicotine content, such as menthol cigarettes, cigars, etc. Nicotine is a stimulant, and it also has the same effect as caffeine. Besides, it will make your skin dry if you consistently consume them for an extended period.
  3. Alcohol can make your immune system worse and speed up the process of skin colour loss. Although having an occasional drink won’t affect a patient’s health much, I still recommend avoiding alcohol during the treatment course and even after Vitiligo cure.
  4. Food with too much histamine: fermented foods (roasted eggplant, yogurt), vinegar (balsamic vinegar), and many preserved foods that often contain yeast or mold. Histamine can make your skin itchy, patchy, and flaky.
  5. Food with too much yeast or mold: contains fermented food (bread, alcoholic beverages) or preserved for a long time (stinky tofu). They cause cancer in lab animals; not only is histamine poisonous, but they also contain mycotoxin. Mycotoxin can trigger autoimmune disorders as well as the release of inflammatory cytokines.
  6. Too many fried foods: they contain a high level of acrylamide which causes cancer in lab animals. Besides, the oil will activate melanocytes to produce melanin and speed up the process of Vitiligo.
  7. Junk food & fast food: they have been proved to cause obesity and make you prone to Vitiligo.
  8. Food with artificial food colouring: it’s used for decoration, and the colour will transfer onto your skin when you eat it, like carotenoid (pink, orange). Besides, there is a good chance that such chemicals will cause cancer in lab animals.
  9. Limit intake of dairy products: they contain high levels of insulin, which can accelerate autoimmune disorders and makes you more likely to catch colds and flu. It also makes your skin dry and pale because insulin stimulates melanocytes to produce less melanin during the process of Vitiligo. If you think you need them on your diet, consume fermented dairy products (yogurt) instead of fresh milk every day.
  10. Too much salt: reduces antioxidants in your body and accelerates skin color loss.
  11. Avoid meat, fish, or egg that contains a high level of arachidonic acid during the Vitiligo treatment course. Arachidonic acid can accelerate autoimmune disorders and make you more likely to catch colds and flu. In this way, it will make your Vitiligo worse faster.
  12. Food with preservatives: It has been proved that they cause cancer in lab animals when being tested. You should avoid them as much as possible during the treatment course and even after the Vitiligo cure.

What do skin doctors say about eating eggs if you have vitiligo?

Eating eggs and skin disorders, such as vitiligo, may seem like a conflicting idea. However, most skin doctors say that you can drop having eggs if you have an egg allergy or any egg intolerance. They also add that eating Vitiligo-safe food is nothing less than a healthy diet that will help your body stay strong and fight against the disease.

How is homeopathic treatment effective for vitiligo?

Homeopathy has proved its role in the treatment of Vitiligo, which is otherwise called Leucoderma. Homeopathic remedies are medicines prepared from certain natural substances known to produce symptoms similar to those shown by the patient. They work on the principle that “like cures like” and stimulate the body’s defence mechanisms to remove disorder or disease state. Improving homeostasis helps prevent the recurrence of skin diseases, including vitiligo.

So, to sum it up, yes, you absolutely can eat eggs! Eating eggs will provide many benefits to the body, including maintaining skin health and pigmentation while also helping with cell growth. These things are crucial for Vitiligo patients because they help preserve the pigment of the white patches, so you aren’t left with significant gaps of pigmentation loss. It would help to eat at least six organic or free-range eggs every week to see maximum results. This is especially important if you’re beginning treatment because the pigmentation isn’t something that happens overnight, it can take months before you notice any significant improvement in your skin’s coloration. For more information, you can book check our website and in case if you have vitiligo you can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy!

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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