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Home Hair Care Tips For Men

Hair loss is caused by a combination of hormones, genetics, stress and age. Haircare tips for men have proven themselves helpful in growing hair. Hair loss is one of the common issues that is faced by most men. But before proceeding towards hair loss treatment for men, let us know about hair loss and hair growth first. Hair growth works in a specific cycle that is present in all men. Hair growth occurs in three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. These phases overlap so that no hair is ever entirely in one stage during its life span. During the catagen phase, hair stops growing and separates from its follicle, which is the structure beneath the skin that holds the hair in place. The catagen phase lasts about 10 days. The follicle rests for two or three months during the telogen phase, and then the hair falls out. The next anagen phase begins as new hair grows in the same follicle. Most people lose 50 to 100 hair strands per day as part of this natural cycle. If this cycle is disrupted, or if a hair follicle is damaged, hair may begin to fall out more quickly than it is regenerated, leading to symptoms such as a receding hairline, hair falling out in patches, or overall thinning.

Hair begins to grow approximately 1 centimeter per month after it has reached its full length at 4 centimeters (about 6 months). The average human scalp contains from 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands, with the thickness of each strand ranges between 0.2 mm and 0.8 mm. Losing some strands of hair daily is okay, but if you notice many strands are lost, one needs to go to the doctor to consult about the issue and look for the hair fall solution for men, to reduce the hair fall issue.

Male hair loss starts at some point in the twenties, but it typically takes 15-25 years to go bald. However, some men go bald in less than five years and this can be due to specific reasons such as changes in hormone levels, stressful circumstances, illness or surgical procedures, scalp infections, genetics, or environmental factors. In many cases, hair loss is not permanent, and therefore, hair loss treatment for men is available so that the men can cope with their hair fall issue. If you are randomly losing patches of hair, you may have alopecia, a condition where a person (male or female) loses patches of hair from parts of their body. In extreme cases, this may affect all of the hair on the body. Alopecia is thought to have hereditary and autoimmune factors (where the body mistakenly attacks itself). If your hair loss occurs in a more regular receding pattern, usually from the crown of the head or from the temples, you are more likely to suffer from the male pattern baldness. If you have this male pattern of baldness, then it is because your body is becoming increasingly sensitive to male sex hormones called androgens. The extent to which your scalp is affected by this process is hereditary. But you do not need to worry because male pattern baldness treatment is available that will help in the regrowth of the hair, but the treatment should be done as soon as possible by recommendation from the best hair specialist in the town.

Everyone loses their hair naturally. Male pattern baldness cure is available only when you are suffering from the male pattern baldness but if you notice that your hair is falling out in clumps or at unpredictable times, it is most likely to be the symptom of something else. This could be related to stress, sexual frustration, or any other factor, for which you need to consult the doctor so that they can tell you the problem exactly. Many hair loss conditions can give rise to hair fall, but hair fall treatments for men are available in a good range. Depending upon the severity and the condition, the hair specialist prescribes the treatment plan for hair loss accordingly. It is usual for hair to thin at some point, especially when you get older.

Before making a diagnosis, your doctor will likely give you a physical exam and ask about your lifestyle and diet, hair care routine, and medical and family history. They might also suggest specific tests like blood tests, scalp biopsy, and pull tests, which will help determine the hair fall problems. Best hair loss treatment for men is given after examining the patient care because it is imperative to know the exact problem and solutions. Effective treatments for hair loss are available. You might be able to reverse hair loss, or at least slow it. With some conditions, such as patchy hair loss (alopecia areata), hair may regrow without treatment within a year. With the help of homeopathy hair treatment for men, you can reduce hair loss. Some of the homeopathic medicines to prevent hair loss and baldness in men include –

  • Phosphorus – Top Homeopathic Medicine for excessive Hair Fall

Phosphorus is a homeopathic medicine for hair fall wherein the hair falls out excessively in bunches. The hair may be dry, and premature greying of hair may also be present. Dandruff and excessive itching are some other symptoms.

  • Wiesbaden Aqua – Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Regrowth

Wiesbaden is a homeopathic medicine for hair regrowth. It is a natural homeopathic medicine sourced from the springs of Wiesbaden in Prussia. This medicine is known to aid the quick growth of hair, and it also helps make the hair dense and darker in color.

  • Fluoricum Acidum – Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Loss in Spots

Fluoricum Acidum is a homeopathic medicine for hair loss that occurs in spots (alopecia areata). It is mainly used to treat hair loss in people with a hot temperament who constantly needs to be in a cool environment. The cases of alopecia areata as a result of typhoid fever are also treated with this medicine.

  • Vinca Minor – Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Fall with Itching

Vinca Minor is a homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata prepared from a plant named lesser periwinkle. This plant belongs to the family Apocynaceae. The medicine is used to treat bald spots on the scalp covered with short, wooly hair. Intense itching that gets worse at night may also be present.

  • Phosphoric Acid – Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Fall from Grief

Phosphoric Acid is a homeopathic medicine for hair loss that occurs as a result of grief and sorrow. Early graying of the hair, hair fall occurring after a fever, sadness, and an aversion to talking are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

  • Calcarea Carb – Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Fall due to Hypothyroid

Calcarea Carb is a homeopathic medicine for hair fall that occurs due to hypothyroid. The hair may come out upon combing, and the majority of the hair fall happens from the side of the scalp or crown area. Along with this, yellowish-white scales may be present on the scalp. The scalp may be predisposed to excessive perspiration. A tendency to gain weight and intolerance towards cold are other symptoms.

  • Thallium Met – Homeopathic Medicine for Rapid Hair Fall

Homeopathic medicine Thallium Met works well in cases where rapid hair fall is present. The hair fall may be general or in spots and usually occurs after the person goes through acute, exhausting diseases.

These are some of the homeopathic medicines that homeopathy doctors prescribe for hair loss treatment in men. Homeopathy is natural and also the remedies are free from any toxic side effects and therefore it is preferred by most of men who are suffering from hair loss. Homeopathy treatment is always considered to the best and effective treatment because it provides long-term relief with long-lasting results to the patient.

Hair loss is a big issue for men because it can not only affect appearance but also can lower down self-confidence and self-esteem. While there are many options for hair loss treatment for men out there, it is still better to go for the home remedies because it is natural and safe. It is better to invest time in the home hair care tips rather than waiting for the hair loss to grow and then investing in medications that will slow down the hair fall issues. Men need to indulge in home remedies to pamper their tresses to improve hair growth.

Some of the home hair care tips for Haircare tips for men for men are mentioned below –

  • Oil massage – Massage hair with oils replenishes hair nutrition. Besides, it reverses the effect of severe damage to your hair. Oils such as almond, olive and coconut are ideal for hair massage twice a week.
  • Coconut Milk – You might have heard the benefits of coconut milk on your skin but this is also an excellent remedy for hair loss treatment for men in reducing hair fall. Coconut milk nourishes the hair and encourages hair growth, and also, it helps to make the hair soft.
  • Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies that one should go for if you look for the perfect natural hair loss treatment for men. If you want to add sheen or strengthen your hair, massage aloe gel to the scalp. Massaging twice a week with aloe vera will prevent hair loss, repairs dry hair or infected scalp.
  • Neem Paste – Neem is just not beneficial for health, but it is also suitable for hair. Neem paste will help restore the scalp’s alkaline balance and prevent hair fall at the same time. To make it better, you can add olive oil and honey to the paste and then apply it to the scalp.
  • Egg –Eggs are great. Protein treatment is elementary to hair care. If you want to have stronger and thicker hair, try protein treatment three to four times a week. All you have to do is beat a raw egg and apply it to your wet hair. Wash hair with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.
  • Fenugreek Seeds –Soak two to three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds into the water for about eight to ten hours and then make a fine paste out of it and apply it onto the scalp. This is one of the best home hair loss treatments for men without much hassle. The solution not just prevents hair loss but also encourages hair growth and also helps you to get rid of dandruff.
  • Lemon juice: Mix one part of lemon juice with two parts of coconut oil. Massage the solution into the roots of the hair regularly. Either leave it overnight or let it seep into the roots, keeping it for at least three to four hours before rinsing with cold water.
  • Mayonnaise: To reverse or repair the hair damage, you can apply mayonnaise to your dry hair. After applying, cover your head with plastic wrap. Keep it for at least half-hour before washing it off.
  • Honey – Honey is one of the best natural hair loss treatments for men, giving them shiny and healthy-looking hair and reducing hair fall. Combine equal parts of olive oil and honey, rub the mixture into your hair, and wash it off after 30 minutes.
  • Yogurt and Black pepper: To shake off the flake from your scalp, this remedy will prove very effective. Mix 2 teaspoons of black pepper powder with three spoons of curd. After blending it, rub the mixture onto the scalp and sit for an hour before rinsing it with a mild shampoo.
  • Coconut + Hibiscus + Curry Leaves: if you want your hair to be healthy and strong, combine coconut oil mixed with grinded hibiscus and curry leaves. Apply the paste onto your scalp and leave it overnight. Wash it off in the morning. This won’t take much of your time, but it will help reduce hair fall.
  • Baking Soda – This is also an excellent remedy for hair loss treatment for men because it helps to clear dandruff from the scalp. One tablespoon of baking soda with a handful of shampoo regularly will see off dandruff flakes from your hair strands.

Going for the home hair care tips will always benefit because all of these are natural remedies and is excellent for hair loss treatment for men. At OHO homeopathy, a team of experts guides you with solutions for hair loss and helps you with treatment plans that suit your hair the best.

Homeopathy Doctor

Published by
Homeopathy Doctor

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