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Different Types Of Hair Loss And Treatment Options

Hair loss is one of the common issues faced by most men and women. Hair loss can occur anywhere on the body but most commonly affects the scalp. On average, the scalp has 100,000 hair strands that cycle through periods of growing, resting, falling out, and regenerating. If you lose out few strands, it is okay, but if you notice patchy hair loss or hair fall in clumps, then you should see a doctor.

A hair growth cycle consists of three phases. During the anagen phase, hair grows actively. This phase may last for years. During the catagen phase, hair stops growing and separates from its follicle, which is the structure beneath the skin that holds the hair in place. The catagen phase lasts about 10 days. During the telogen phase, the follicle rests for two or three months, and then the hair falls out. The next anagen phase begins as new hair grows in the same follicle. Most people lose 50 to 100 hairs per day as part of this natural cycle. If this cycle is disrupted, or if a hair follicle is damaged, hair may begin to fall out more quickly than it is regenerated, leading to symptoms such as a receding hairline, hair falling out in patches, or overall thinning.

One of the most common causes of hair fall in men is heredity or genetics; sometimes, several genetic factors are involved. For women, however, it could be hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or childbirth that cause the sudden shedding of large amounts of hair due to excessive stimulation at one time.  Over time, hormonal changes cause the hair follicles to miniaturize and produce thinner hair strands. The imbalance of female hormones leads to excessive testosterone production which damages the hair follicle leading to loss of hair. Hair fall solutions are given to the patient after closely examining the hair follicles of the specific patient.

Some medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, alopecia areata (loss of scalp hair in round patches), fungal infections and bacterial infections can also lead to excessive shedding of scalp hair. People who suffer from depression have reported increased hair fall because stress affects the hormone levels secreted by glands in the body, affecting your rate of metabolism, increasing the chances of sudden weight gain or even loss. Certain foods like alcohol or coffee may also add to your problem since they contain chemicals called amphetamines that may interfere with the production of hormones and result in hair loss.

Other factors like nutritional deficiencies, excessive consumption of alcohol or stress can also accelerate ageing of hair and cause it to shed prematurely. Accidents, certain drugs such as chemotherapy for cancer treatment, constant use of chemical-based hair products may result in rashes on your head which could lead to hair fall.

Hair loss may be linked to a person’s genetics, although many medical and behavioral factors may interrupt the cycle of growth of the hair or else there might be certain environmental factors that can cause the issue of hair fall. But one needs to worry not because hair fall treatment is available by the hair specialists. Before getting deep into the hair loss treatments, one needs to be aware of different types of hair loss so that the treatment is given accordingly.

  • Androgenic Alopecia (AGA) – This is the most frequent type in men and women. It starts as hair thinning on the vertex moving to different degrees in different individuals. AGA can be managed without medication in various stages but requires medical consultation before initiating treatment, including medications, surgery or laser therapy for different indications.
  • Traction Alopecia – This condition occurs due to pulling force on the hair including braids, ponytail holders, etc. It affects mainly occipital and temporal regions in different degrees depending on pull force.
  • Lichen Planopilaris – LPP is a rare condition affecting hair follicles on different scalp areas, resulting in different presentations ranging from patchy hair loss to total baldness. Treatment involves symptomatic therapy and long-term use of immunosuppressants.
  • Jatalie Matsunaga – This is a rare disease affecting infants under one year. It causes permanent scarring alopecia on different scalp areas resulting in complete baldness. The treatment requires active circumcision with graft harvesting followed by grafting using micro pedicles.
  • 3 Tinea Capitis- this uncommon disease affecting the scalp has different presentations ranging from patchy hair loss to complete alopecia. It usually migrates around the head, giving different presentations
  • Telogen Effluvium – TE is the most common form of hair loss in adults. The limited regrowth occurring after shedding is comparable to AA, although it is different from FFA and AGA as there are no autoimmune or hyperandrogenic components.
  • Male pattern hair loss – In men, hair loss can occur after puberty and progress over the decades. This pattern of hair loss starts from the temples and continues around the perimeter and the top of the head, often leaving a ring of hair along the bottom of the scalp. Many men with male pattern hair loss eventually become bald.
  • Female pattern hair loss – This is different from the male pattern hair loss. Here, the hairline does not recede, but the hair slowly thins over the scalp. Female pattern hair loss can cause hair to thin dramatically, but it rarely leads to baldness.
  • Trichotillomania – People with trichotillomania pull their hair out and find it difficult to stop. This results in hair loss on the scalp or elsewhere on the body. Hair often returns if the behavior is stopped, but hair loss can be permanent if the pulling continues for many years.
  • Hypotrichosis – This is an infrequent genetic condition where you will notice very little hair growth on the body and the scalp. Many people with this condition go bald by the age of 25, but few hair fall remedies for this type of hair loss.

Hair fall treatment is available for different types of hair loss. The most common treatment options that are available for hair loss are as follows –

  • Medications

Medications are available for hair fall treatment to treat different types of hair loss. The medications are prescribed by the hair care specialist who first examines the hair fall problems and then gives the medicine accordingly. The most common options include –

1 – Minoxidil (Rogaine). Over-the-counter (nonprescription) minoxidil comes in liquid, foam and shampoo forms. Products with minoxidil help many people regrow their hair or slow the rate of hair loss or both. It’ll take at least six months of treatment to prevent further hair loss and start hair regrowth. It may take a few more months to tell whether the treatment is working for you.

2 – Finasteride (Propecia). This is a prescription drug for men. You take it daily as a pill. Many men taking finasteride experience a slowing of hair loss, and some may show new hair growth. It may take a few months to tell whether it’s working for you. You’ll need to keep taking it to retain any benefits. Finasteride may not work as well for men over 60.

  • Hair transplant surgery

In the most common type of permanent hair loss, only the top of the head is affected. Restoration surgery or hair transplant surgery can make the most of your hair come back. The specialist performs the procedure that includes removal of hair from a part of the head that has hair and transplants it to a bald spot. This procedure does not include hospitalization, but it can be painful, so the patient is given a sedative during the surgery.

  • Laser therapy

Laser therapy improves hair density. The Food and Drug Administration has approved a low-level laser device to treat hereditary hair loss in men and women.

  • Lifestyle and home remedies

You can always go for various hair fall treatment options that are suggested or recommended by the experts. But then changing your lifestyle and going for the home remedies will be a bonus point for you. Lifestyle changes mean changing the diet, adding some exercise, eliminating the stress and certain other mandatory changes that will reduce hair fall. You can also go for the home remedies, such as neem paste, coconut milk, honey and lemon that you can apply to the scalp and rejuvenate hair growth. Every other treatment would take time, so one needs to be very patient with the treatments for hair fall control.

You might want to try various hair care methods to find one that makes you feel better about how you look. For example, use styling products that add volume, color your hair, choose a hairstyle that makes a widening part less noticeable. Use wigs or extensions, or shave your head. Talk with a hairstylist for ideas. These approaches can be used to address permanent or temporary hair loss.

Hair fall treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic treatment for hair fall is one of the best and effective treatments to go for if you are looking out for long-lasting results and safe treatment. Hair fall treatment in homeopathy is natural and free from any toxic side effects and provides long-term relief. Homeopathy looks to treat the cause of the disease rather than just the symptoms. It heals the patient as a whole from both internally and externally. Homeopathy believes that the disease results from an off-balance of the individual and not just the local disturbance of the body. Therefore, the hair fall treatment in homeopathy is a holistic approach and the results are long-lasting and effective. Homeopathic medicines for the hair fall treatment are given to the patient only after analyzing the medical history, nature and current condition of the patient. Homeopaths prescribe a personalized homeopathy treatment plan that suits the patient. Conventional hair loss therapies for hair loss consist of supplements that promote hair growth. But homeopathy is one of the best hair fall treatments that many people opt for. Some of the well-known homeopathic remedies for hair loss are as follows –

  • Silicea: It is very commonly used and is processed from sandstones and human tissues. It strengthens the hair and reduces dryness by giving essential nourishment to the hair follicles. It is an excellent growth enhancer.
  • Kalium Carbonicum: It is made from compounds which the Egyptians used in glass preparation and is another effective homeopathic medicine. It stops the thinning of hair and reduces its brittleness as well. This in turn increases hair growth.
  • Lycopodium: Premature baldness shows a dramatically marked response to the use of this miracle homeopathic drug. Women suffering from post-partum hair loss also benefit a lot from using Lycopodium. It is formed from the distillation of evergreen plant spores, such as club moss.
  • Phosphorous: Another tried and tested hair growth enhancer is phosphorous. This homeopathic medicine benefits people who have baldness in patches and lose hair in clumps. People who suffer from minor scalp ailments or those who lose hair due to excess dandruff are also prescribed this drug by their homeopath.
  • Natrum Muriaticum: Table salt (sodium chloride) is used to prepare this homeopathic medicine. Natrum Muriaticum is especially beneficial when dry crusts form on the scalp and dandruff is the primary reason for hair loss. It even helps when menstrual problems or any skin disorder triggers hair fall. This homeopathic remedy is also effective in treating hormonal imbalance related hair loss. Emotional and sensitive people are generally prescribed this drug by their homeopaths.

These are some of the best homeopathic medicines for hair loss prescribed by the homeopath, reducing hair fall and promoting hair growth.

Hair fall treatment is vital to avoid losing the hair that is still there on your scalp. At OHO homeopathy, we have experts with whom you can talk about the issue so that they can examine and treat the hair fall accordingly by prescribing you the medication that suits you.

Homeopathy Doctor

Published by
Homeopathy Doctor

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