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Top 10 Reasons For Hair Fall Or Hair Loss

Hair is considered an essential aspect of life. The loss of hair can be devastating for some people, especially women. While it’s perfectly natural to lose a few strands every day, excessive hair fall or hair loss or hair fall is usually caused by poor nutrition, stress, and aging. Hair fall can be due to many reasons, but here are the top 10 reasons that cause hair fall. Here we will tell you about these reasons so that you can avoid them and healthily grow your hair.

  1. Telogen effluvium and Anagen effluvium: It is triggered by severe physical trauma (e.g., childbirth) or emotional shock (such as the death of a loved one). Hair shedding lasts from 6-12 months until new hairs grow back. Telogen effluvium is treatable, but it is not easy as the cause can manifest itself in various ways. This type of hair fall or hair loss usually occurs after pregnancy or an operation where changes to diet and a sudden lifestyle change, resulting in depression, anxiety, or stress. The person afflicted with this form of hair fall or hair loss will lose a significant amount of hair within 2-5 months which grows back slowly over 3-16 months depending on the severity and extent of damage caused by the trauma. Treatment options include antidepressants, therapies, healthy diets, and taking care not to expose oneself to further stress, which can trigger another bout of excessive shedding. Anagen effluvium is the sudden loss of hair from an area in the scalp. The affected hair will not grow back. Causes may include medications, malnutrition, or stress. This condition typically lasts for a short period and can be treated with medication and other therapies. This case causes a sudden and severe fall out in scalp hair after chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients, people suffering from chronic kidney failure. Anagen effluvium may also be caused by sudden weight loss due to thyroid disorders or anorexia nervosa.
  2. Hormonal imbalance: Hair growth stops when sex hormone levels drop significantly and when no new hair grows for a while. Hair fall or hair loss due to hormonal imbalance can be due to abnormal functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.  This is a gland that sits atop the brain, located at the base of your skull. Its functions include secretion of hormones, control of body temperature, and regulation of water balance in the body. It can either over-secret hormone or not enough depending on what is wrong with it. Hormonal imbalance causes hair fall or hair loss by affecting three major hair growth factors: Anagen (growth phase), Telogen (resting phase), and Catagen (transitional stage to the resting phase). Hormonal imbalances disrupt the normal hair cycle, resulting in excessive shedding. Excessive thyroid hormone is associated with premature graying and thinning; estrogen, on the other hand, can cause hair fall or hair loss in women and body hair in men. Abnormal functioning can also result in changes to your skin, abnormalities in blood pressure, sugar metabolism, and salt levels.
  3. Aging: There is a steady decline in hair quality and quantity as you age. In men, hair follicles shrink in diameter as they get older, so hair does not grow as fast or can reach the scalp. Age-related hair fall in women is a cosmetic problem, and it is more common when women get into the menopause phase in their life. Hair fall and thinness of hair become inevitable due to hormonal changes in the body caused by menopause. But hair fall is a serious problem in our country, especially for middle-aged women. You can avoid hair fall or hair loss by adopting some natural and home remedies for hair fall. It is extremely difficult to grow your hair longer if you have been suffering from hair fall or hair loss for quite some time.
  4. Specific scalp diseases: Diseases that affect your skin, including psoriasis (red patches on the skin), seborrheic dermatitis (scaly flaky, red patches), or other fungal-related infections such as ringworm, could be affecting your scalp too through symptoms. Common scalp diseases which leads to hair fall are Trichophyton tonsurans (ringworm of scalp), Demodex folliculorum (Demodecosis or ‘follicular mange’), Microsporumcanis (Dog Fungus), Tinea capitis, Anaplastic Erythrocytosis (Parakeratosis, Hyperkeratosis) and dormant tumors.
  5. Nutritional deficiency: Insufficient intake of vitamin E, biotin, or iron leads to an overall imbalance in the body, resulting in shedding hair and weakness as the body has insufficient reserves of these essential nutrients. Some people are less able to absorb some of the nutrients from food, and therefore may suffer hair fall or hair loss. Some vitamins that affect hair include vitamin A, iron, zinc, and biotin. Zinc and iron deficiencies can cause hair fall or hair loss as they are essential for maintaining the health of your hair from root to tip. Yet another unfortunate side effect of those fad diets that insist on eliminating several key food groups at once (namely meat, grains, fats, fruit, and vegetables – the ones containing Zinc and iron incidentally). Other nutrients like vitamin B12 may also lead to hair fall or hair loss if not appropriately supplemented in your diet.
  6. Stress: Excessive strain on the mind or body caused by factors such as work pressure, financial problems, etc., may lead to excessive stress, which can result in temporary thinning hair. Temporary hair fall or hair loss due to stress is also known as telogen effluvium. Stress & anxiety can be at the root of your hairy problems and be one of the reasons for hair fall. Persistent stress can lead to hair fall as numerous hormones are involved in this process, which helps control hair growth and strength. Severe emotional shock or anxiety can also lead to excessive shedding and thinning hair. You can also try stress-reducing activities such as listening to soothing music, take a walk during lunch break away from work.
  7. Patchy hair fall or hair loss or alopecia areata: This is a condition where some areas of the head will lose hair for no apparent reason while unaffected regions continue to grow normally. This type of localized hair fall or hair loss occurs in about 2% of the population and is more common in children or young adults in bi-racial people. Alopecia areata is not a common cause of hair fall but is most commonly seen in young adults (20-40 years) and causes patchy hair fall leading to bald patches on the scalp or other parts of the body such as back, arms, and legs. The hair follicles will be present in these bald patches along with swollen lymph nodes, which indicates that there has been a high level of stress associated with this condition. This form of hair fall or hair loss requires treatment as it can have long-term effects if left untreated; Causes include extreme psychological stress, which induces autoimmune disease.
  8. Use of unhealthy hair styling products: You may be using the right kind of shampoo, but if your conditioner is not healthy for your hair, it will cause damage to your roots and make them weaker over time. Overuse of blow-dryers, curling irons, or flat irons is a significant cause of hair fall or hair loss. That is why you should protect your hairdo by using a heat protectant and protective spray for the ends of your hair before comb or brush it. Tight hairstyles can also cause hair fall or hair loss. Try to avoid using hard hair clips, bands, and rubber bands, as they can damage the root ends of your hair. It would help if you also avoided tight ponytails or braids for a month. Hair fall due to the wrong shampoo: Products such as hair dyes and bleaches often contain chemicals that can cause damage to your hair. If you have colored or highlighted your hair, try not to get a perm or use heat tools before six weeks after it.
  9. Alcohol and smoking: This can cause major hair fall or hair fall or hair loss. While most hair fall is due to genetic reasons, it could also be triggered by certain unhealthy habits. You are probably aware that smoking can lead to various health problems like cancer, circulation-related issues, lung diseases, and oral diseases. However, people do not realize that smoking can cause hair fall. Over the years, you may experience a reduction in your hair volume. Smoking affects all aspects of your body, including your scalp. So here’s how smoking causes hair fall or hair loss and damage to one’s mane. Whereas drinking alcohol can not only lead to hair fall or hair loss but also lead to premature baldness. Alcohol and smoking can cause major hair fall or hair fall or hair loss.
  10. Medical conditions and some medicines: Usage of some medications or some medical treatments can cause hair fall or hair loss. Thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) can also lead to hair fall or hair loss or hair fall. Some medications used to treat cancer can cause hair fall or hair loss and thinning of the hair as a side effect. This is usually temporary but may be permanent in some cases. Medications used to treat heart disease can also cause hair fall or hair loss or thinning. Some medications, such as steroids, progesterone (which is a female hormone), and some antibiotics can cause hair fall or hair loss. Ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon) or Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disorder that causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss) can also cause hair loss, thinning, or lack of growth in some cases.


Hair loss needs medical attention as it can be a symptom of an underlying medical problem.  If you are uncomfortable constantly looking at your thinning hair, you can opt for medications and drugs.

You need to be very careful when choosing a hair fall or hair loss medication, as not all of them are clinically proven effective. You can resort to various drugs, but it is always best that you consult your doctor first before starting any new medication.

Trichologists advise the use of different drugs depending on the type and cause of hair fall or hair loss. You can do various things to treat your thinning hair, and there are also other methods of fixing the problem without resorting to medications.

The following are several tips on how you can treat your hair fall or hair loss:

  1. If you find that it results from an underlying medical issue, try using home remedies as these do not have any side effects. Some natural ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, and eggs are very effective. See how coconut oil can help you.
  2. If your hair fall or hair loss is due to an underlying medical condition like thyroid disease or psoriasis, then the best thing that you can do is consult your doctor for prescription medication.
  3. If you have thinning hair, try wearing a stylish short haircut like the classic buzz cut or slick back undercut hairstyle. This will make your face look better and more defined, even with thinning hair.
  4. You need to reduce stress for yourself as stress can trigger hormonal changes resulting in hair fall. It would help if you found ways of reducing stress. You can also take vitamins that will increase the health and volume of your hair, such as vitamins B6, A, and Zinc.
  5. Avoid using products like hair thinning shampoos or sprays as these may lead you to believe that your hair is thick when it is actually thinning and falling out.


Homeopathic medicines have been proved in the treatment of hair fall or baldness. It is a natural process and helps to nourish hair follicles and prevent hair fall or hair loss, thereby naturally promoting new hair growth on the scalp. Homeopathy is one of the effective treatments of alopecia areata- an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair fall or hair loss around the ears, eyes, or scalp. Homeopathic medicines also help treat telogen effluvium – a condition when sudden changes in hormonal levels cause a large number of hairs to enter into the resting phase abruptly, resulting in rapid thinning of hair. Hair fall due to nutritional deficiencies like iron deficiency (anaemia) can also be treated effectively at home using homeopathy. Just take the advice of a qualified doctor to find suitable homeopathic medicines to suit your particular hair fall problem.

  • Arsenicum Album: This is an excellent remedy for hair fall ailment. It treats hair fall or hair loss, dandruff stress, and emotional disturbances associated with alopecia.
  • Cinchona Officinalis: This homeopathy medicine helps treat hair fall or hair loss caused by nutritional deficiencies like iron deficiency (anaemia) or other general illnesses affecting the body.
  • Kalium Muriaticum: This homeopathy medicines effectively treat baldness and help promote new growth on the scalp.
  • Phosphorus: This is another helpful remedy for hair fall or hair loss because it treats a number of ailments that can cause temporary hair fall. It also acts as an anti-stress and antidepressant drug, helping you fight depression causing hair fall or hair loss.
  • Sulphur: This homeopathy medicine treats a variety of hair conditions effectively, including dandruff and alopecia areata – patchy hair fall or hair loss on the scalp. Sulphur is one such effective homeopathy medicine whose usage has been highly recommended by dermatologists & hair specialists.
  • Thuja Occidentalis: This homeopathy medicine helps treat seborrheic alopecia- a skin condition causing dandruff and flaking of the scalp. This medicine also effectively treats baldness, insufficient growth of new hair, thinning hair, etc.
  • ZincumOxalicum: This homeopathy medicine helps stimulate new growth on the scalp by increasing blood circulation and promoting the supply of necessary nutrients like oxygen required for strong, healthy hair growth.

You can easily treat hair fall or hair loss with homeopathy medicines without any side effects or complications.  Homeopathy medicines are highly effective in treating several hair fall ailments, including scalp infections. You can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy with a qualified homeopath to get suitable natural & effective homeopathic remedies for hair fall. For more information, scroll up the page.

Homeopathy Doctor

Published by
Homeopathy Doctor

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