Categories: EczemaSkin

Is Coconut Oil Good For Eczema?

Coconut oil is natural and a moisturizer, so it makes sense that people with eczema would want to know if coconut oil helps eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, red, itchy, swollen skin. The most common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis, which is linked to allergies. Coconut oil is a popular alternative treatment for many forms of eczema—people with eczema use many different treatments to ease the symptoms of this condition. Coconut oil is a popular alternative treatment whose effectiveness against eczema is still being studied. Some people swear coconut oil is a cure for all skin conditions, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne. The moisturizing properties of coconut oil are responsible for its positive effect on the skin applied topically. Let’s know more about coconut oil and eczema.

What is eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, red, itchy, swollen skin ( National Eczema Association ). It is also called atopic dermatitis. There are different types of eczema-like infantile seborrheic dermatitis, nummular eczema, etc. People with this itchy skin condition may suffer from one or more of these forms mentioned above.

What does coconut oil do?

Coconut oil has been used in many traditional cultures to moisturize and help soothe a dry and itchy scalp and body. Coconut oil contains small amounts of vitamin E, which protects our cells against free radical damage. You can apply coconut oil to your face to protect your skin from the sun and prevent premature aging. This natural oil is also used for cooking food and cures dry lips by moisturizing, healing, and protecting them.

What are the benefits of using coconut oil in eczema?

There are many benefits of using coconut oil for eczema. Coconut oil soothes and moisturizes dry skin, one leading cause of flare-ups among atopic dermatitis.

It hydrates the skin: Coconut oil is an ingredient in many moisturizers, hair conditioners, and skin creams because of its moisturizing properties. It locks the moisture to your skin for hours, making it ideal for those with dry skin conditions like eczema.

It contains powerful antioxidants: Coconut oil has high levels of antioxidant content due to its high concentration of saturated fatty acids, mainly in the form of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Antioxidants help to prevent damage from free radicals.

It is antimicrobial: Coconut oil has been shown to have antifungal, anti-yeast, and antimicrobial properties against various microorganisms that cause skin infections, including those related to eczema.

Coconut oil relieves itching: Eczema causes extreme dryness, redness, and itchiness on the face or other parts of your body. The itchy sensation can be relieved by using coconut oil topically as a moisturizer. It contains lauric acid, which possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin from severe itchiness associated with eczema.

It contains high levels of saturated fat:  Saturated fat is beneficial for your skin and body because it provides a barrier against external elements. It protects the skin from infections and further damage.

It contains capric acid and caprylic acid: Capric acid and caprylic acid are medium-chain fatty acids with antifungal, antimicrobial properties that help fight eczema-causing microorganisms on the skin.

It provides relief from inflammation: This natural product is loaded with anti-inflammatory fatty acids. Therefore, this oil fights against various types of inflammatory conditions like eczema and psoriasis that cause inflammation on the exterior of our bodies.

How does coconut oil relieve eczema?

Coconut oil penetrates the deeper layers of the skin, where it acts as a moisturizer from outside and inside at the same time. It gives instant relief from itching, dryness, and irritation by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Coconut oil also has antioxidant properties and is a carrier of ll and emollient (skin softener) which helps to regenerate skin cells and nourish the skin. It is suitable for all types of skins, including sensitive ones. Moreover, it does not leave a greasy feeling after application since it quickly gets absorbed by the skin.

Does coconut oil help eczema?

People suffering from associated problems with eczema also see improvement when they use coconut oil as part of their treatment plan. Coconut oil helps prevent future outbreaks that may occur as a result of scratching or rubbing your skin excessively because it acts as a protective barrier on the exterior of your body. It is an excellent moisturizing agent that helps to hydrate dry and brittle hair, making it appear healthy and lustrous. This natural product is beneficial for people suffering from other skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, and itchy skin.

How do I use coconut oil for eczema?

  • Coconut oil can be applied topically as a moisturizer or to relieve itchiness associated with eczema. You can directly use this natural product in the affected areas or mix it with your regular moisturizing cream. Please make sure you choose virgin coconut oil that is cold-pressed and unrefined. It retains its original nutrients and medicinal properties, which help in getting rid of eczema naturally. Here are the ways you can use coconut oil for eczema:
  • Massage the oil into your skin and leave it overnight for soft and smooth skin. You can mix coconut oil with brown sugar or sea salt and apply it to the affected areas as a gentle scrub before going to bed. Rinse it off with lukewarm water in the morning and pat dry your skin gently. This will help exfoliate dead cells from your skin, leaving it soft and moisturized naturally without causing any side effects like redness, swelling, or irritation like other chemical-based body scrubs.
  • Coconut oil can also be used as an effective home remedy treatment for eczema by adding two tablespoons of this natural product to your bathtub filled with warm water. Soak yourself in the tub for around 10 to 15 minutes. It will help relieve itchiness and inflammation, and swelling associated with eczema by hydrating the skin from within. Moreover, it will help treat bacterial and fungal infections that may aggravate the symptoms of eczema.
  • You can also mix coconut oil with oatmeal and make a smooth paste by adding some water. Apply this paste on the affected areas for at least 15 minutes before taking a bath. You can also add more essential oils like lavender oil to make it an even more helpful home remedy treatment for eczema. Apply this mixture on your skin for relief from itchiness and moisturizing effect from within.
  • Warm-up three tablespoons of coconut oil and mix two tablespoons of honey in it to create a smooth paste. Apply this home remedy on your skin, especially on the affected areas, before going to bed. Rinse it off with lukewarm water in the morning after 10 minutes or so. Repeat this natural treatment daily until you get rid of eczema. Note: If your skin is dehydrated, you may need to moisturize your body after rinsing off this scrub since honey acts as an astringent which can dehydrate your skin.
  • Mix coconut oil with almond oil and use it as a moisturizer to get rid of eczema symptoms. Almond oil contains essential fatty acids which help in hydrating dry skin patches. Mix one tablespoon of honey and coconut oil with three tablespoons of almond oil to create a smooth paste. Apply this mixture on your face, hands, legs, and other affected areas before going to bed at night. Rinse it off with lukewarm water the following day to reveal beautiful glowing skin naturally without any side effects.
  • Due to eczema, coconut oil has numerous medicinal properties that help cure associated problems like itchiness, swelling or inflammation, etc. This natural product can be used directly topically on your skin or consumed orally by mixing it with other natural ingredients. In whichever way you choose to use it, make sure you do not overuse or apply it excessively since using too much of this product can lead to severe consequences like reduced immunity and other problems in the digestive system. Moreover, don’t use coconut oil on open sores or wounds. It may aggravate the situation further instead of making your skin smooth and moisturized naturally without causing any side effects.
  • That is why people with eczema tend to lose so much fluid through their skin that they become dehydrated. Dehydration often happens when topical steroid creams are used for extended periods because they can reduce the amount of moisture in the stratum corneum, one of our body’s natural protective mechanisms. When the skin is dehydrated, it causes dryness and severely affects its barrier function, which can worsen the symptoms of eczema.
  • Coconut oil contains natural chemical components like lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid that cure associated problems like itchiness, swelling, or inflammation related to eczema through their antimicrobial properties. This natural product can be used directly topically on your skin or consumed orally by mixing it with other natural ingredients. In whichever way you choose to use it, make sure you do not overuse or apply it excessively since using too much of this product can lead to severe consequences like reduced immunity and other problems in the digestive system.

How often do I need to use coconut oil for eczema?

Coconut oil is one treatment option available that has no side effects when used as a home remedy in addition to your current treatment plan. You can apply this natural product once or twice a day all over your body, depending upon how frequently you suffer from eczema flare-ups.

How long will it take to see some improvement in the symptoms of eczema if I use coconut oil?

Consumption of natural products like coconut oil can quickly relieve associated problems like itchiness; inflammation caused due to eczema. However, you may not get instant results on the topical application since it takes time for your skin to absorb this product. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that effectively makes skin smooth and less dry without causing any side effects. Furthermore, the consumption of this product orally helps in improving immunity by strengthening the body’s natural defence mechanism.

What are the other ways to prevent eczema?

The following measures may help in improving your condition:

– Avoid using soap to wash your skin as it can strip off dehydrated skin causing further damage. Instead, use an all-natural moisturizing soap or baby oil.

– If you have been prescribed topical steroid creams by your doctor to treat symptomatic flares, make sure you apply them only on affected areas and for a minimum period required according to the directions given by your dermatologist.

– Drink at least eight glasses of water every day during the summer season and more if you are out in the sun. Also, drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day all through the year, regardless of whether it’s summer or winter season.

– Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet that provide natural moisturizing properties like avocado, cucumber, aloe vera, etc.

– Use cotton clothes made from natural fibers instead of wearing synthetic clothing, which can further damage your skin.

-Use homeopathic treatment for eczema, which provides relief from eczema naturally without any side effects. Homeopathy doctors treat eczema with a holistic approach, so you get to treat the root cause of your problem instead of treating only its symptoms. Besides this, homeopathy treatment also boosts the immune system, thereby helping our body fight against other infections and concerns effectively. There is no side effect associated when used orally and externally.

Coconut oil is one of the natural ingredients available. It is widely used as a food ingredient in tropical countries because of the wide range of health benefits when consumed orally and applied topically on the skin. These key measures may help you develop effective home remedies for eczema without involving any side effects. Additionally, make sure you visit a skin doctor before the problem becomes severe. Book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy for more information.


Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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