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Is Psoriasis Itchy?

When the skin cells are increased on the surface of your body, then the disease is known as psoriasis. Psoriasis is not that dangerous but irritating if you have it because of its itching and scratchy feeling. The main factor of this skin disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in red patches with silvery scales and also causes thickening to your skin. It can occur anywhere on the body but is standard on the knees, head, elbow, and lower back. The skin doctor says that some people feel itchiness while others feel nothing about their condition, but the usual itching symptom starts before 4-6 weeks after the appearance of lesions or spots. Itching may be in intensity level like mild to severe, but it is not considered a symptom of psoriasis. There are so many other symptoms that can be seen with this skin condition, like burning, scaling and severe itching, redness, etc. Let’s know what causes of psoriasis are:

Causes of psoriasis:

  • Stress and depression: – People who are under pressure or severe stress can get psoriasis. When somebody is in great anxiety, the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) controls the adrenal gland that releases the hormone cortisol. Cortisol release has a direct effect on the growth of skin cells and also leads to inflammation.
  • Smoking: – People who are smokers have more chances to get psoriasis than non-smokers. So if you want to get rid of this disease, leave your smoking habit as soon as possible.
  • Alcohol consumption: – Drinking alcohol not only causes cancer but also causes psoriasis, so it’s better for all those people who want to get rid of psoriasis.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: – A study shows that people with psoriasis are often deficient in vitamin D compared with those who do not suffer from this disease. It is mainly because when you do not get enough sunlight or are unable to absorb sunlight, your body may lose vitamin D, leading to an increased risk of psoriasis.
  • Genetic factors: – People with a family history are more likely to get psoriasis than others, and it is said that if someone in your family has been struggling with this skin condition, so the chances for you getting psoriasis are 80%

Why there is itching if you have psoriasis?

As we know, psoriasis is a kind of inflammatory skin condition in which the skin cells are grown at a rapid rate. When you have this, then skin cells start to accumulate on the body’s surface and cause severe itching on it. So,when these small scales begin to gather or collect on the body’s surface, they may itch severely and cause a scratchy feeling. Itching can sometimes be very irritating and can even make you mad.

What triggers itching in psoriasis?

Here we have listed several things which may trigger itching on the body parts where psoriasis appears:

  • Excessive dryness: Dry skin is a common problem with people who have psoriasis. When your psoriasis starts to develop or become worse, it stops your body from retaining enough moisture, leading to rough, dry, and patchy skin. As a result of all these problems, your skin tends to produce more scales than usual. This severe irritation or itchiness, as well as scratching, can cause open wounds.
    Dry and cold weather: A study shows that people living in colder climates have more chances of getting psoriasis than others because dryer winter air can be very irritating to your skin, and those who live in drier regions may develop psoriasis. This is because when you are not exposed to enough moisture or humidity, it causes dryness on your whole body, which leads to an itching feeling. So, during these kinds of conditions, we should use a humidifier at home and moisturize our skin from time to time while taking a shower or before going outside in harsh conditions.
  • Bacterial infection: Psoriasis can lead to skin infection as well as an open wound on your body may become a reason for bacterial infection. You are more likely to get these kinds of conditions when you have psoriasis and because psoriasis causes inflammation that may spread to other parts of the skin. Don’t ignore this issue and go for medical treatment at once if you find any signs of bacterial infection on your skin or if you start developing redness, swelling, or fever.
  • Exposure to chemicals: It is common for people working in industries where they have direct contact with harsh chemicals like oil, coal tar, etc., so it can irritate their skin. In such conditions, chemicals are too harsh that they cause skin dryness and scales.
  • Excessive sweating: People who sweat more than usual are more likely to suffer from this skin condition because sweating or moisture may cause itching on their skins.
  • Stomach problems: Psoriasis can be caused by specific stomach problems like Crohn’s disease, which occurs when your body gets inflamed. When you have these conditions, your immune system becomes weaker, leading to skin inflammation, thus causing psoriasis in affected areas.
  • Fungal infection: Sometimes bacterial or fungal infections on patches of psoriasis may also cause itching. So to get rid of this problem, you must consult a dermatologist before treating any condition, even if it is itching or irritability.
  • Stress: Stress triggers the production of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which in turn results in higher cortisol levels than normal. Cortisol affects the whole body and mainly causes irritation and inflammation when high grades in your body, so that stress can add up to some harmful side effects like psoriasis.Try to control your stress and depression if you’re suffering from those things at the same time.
  • Hot weather: There is no doubt that psoriasis is mainly a skin condition that causes itching and other problems on the skin. Still, sometimes these flare-ups can also cause a hot burning feeling in areas where it appears like elbows, knees, etc., so when you feel this kind of situation, try to stay away from heat, especially during hot summer days.

What are the other symptoms of psoriasis?

  • Red patches with silvery scales: – Psoriasis causes red patches or sores, which are itchy and cause silvery scales. These red patches are due to an increase in skin cells on the surface of your body.
  • Skin thickening: – This is also one of the symptoms of psoriasis, which can be seen as small raised areas with cartilage feel to them. These rashes mainly occur in the armpits, scalp, and around the groin.
  • Patches in mouth and nose: – You may find these types of rashes on your lips and inside your nose or mouth but not in all cases.
  • Pitting nails: – People who have psoriasis are often found to behave problems with their claws that cause pits.

How can itching due to psoriasis be prevented?

  • Moisturize your skin: –One of the most effective methods to avoid itching due to psoriasis is moisturizing your skin. Try to keep your skin moist and soft by using good quality body lotion or cream but don’t forget that these kinds of products are not for the scalp, so if you have scalp psoriasis, then use oils on that area.
  • Maintain proper hygiene: – Good hygiene can help keep symptoms under check, so make sure you’re cleaning affected areas at least twice a day, like taking a shower regularly and applying soap while bathing.
  • Use sunscreen: –If you want to go out in the sun or any other place, then always wear sunscreen as ultraviolet rays can worsen the condition of psoriasis, thus leading to itching.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety: – Stress is one of the most common reasons behind psoriasis, so try to keep yourself calm and composed by avoiding any stressful situation if you can. Also, avoid taking tension because when you’re under pressure or stressed, your cortisol level increases which may cause inflammation in your whole body, including skin that may trigger psoriasis.
  • Avoid smoking: – Smoking also causes cortisol levels to increase even more, so it’s better to stay away from coffee as well as cigarette.
  • Always consult a dermatologist if itching due to psoriasis gets worse:-If you are suffering from this condition, then always seek medical help from a doctor or dermatologist because they will find the root cause of your problem and then prescribe you some treatment that ultimately gives you relief from itching.
  • Avoid spicy food:- Spicy food may trigger psoriasis, so try to keep yourself away from all kinds of spicy food because it increases problems like heartburn in your stomach that can lead to an increase in gut-related issues.
  • Alcohol and caffeine: – Apart from this, you must avoid alcohol and caffeine if you have psoriasis as these substances affect your whole body, including skin that causes swelling, redness which are the main symptoms of psoriasis.

What are home remedies to prevent itching due to psoriasis?

  • Aloe vera
    Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural remedies to get relief from itching due to psoriasis. This gel is effective for the skin and scalp, so apply it regularly on your affected parts of the body, and you will feel good within a week or two.
  • Honey
    Honey has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing swelling and redness, thus giving you relief from pain, itchiness, burning sensation that is associated with psoriasis.
  • Turmeric powder
  • Another home remedy that can help you cure itching due to psoriasis is turmeric powder. Apply curd mixed with turmeric powder all over your body, especially before going out in the sun, so that the ultraviolet rays do not affect your skin.
  • Almond oil
  • Also, you can use almond oil on the skin to get relief from itching due to psoriasis because it’s a natural moisturizer that keeps the skin hydrated. Apart from this, drinking lots of water and applying coconut oil to the body also helps get rid of irritation caused by psoriasis.
  • Use baking soda
  • Baking soda has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, which help in treating psoriasis by keeping inflammation under control. Take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to prepare a paste. Apply this paste all over the affected area, leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse off with cold water.
  • Avoid scratching
    In case you cannot stop yourself from itching because of psoriasis, then apply calamine lotion, aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, etc., on the affected area.

What are the foods to eat if you have psoriasis?

Oatmeal: Oatmeal has properties that get rid of dead skin cells and help make new ones, so take a bath every day with oatmeal to decrease itching caused by psoriasis.
Fish oil: Another natural remedy effective for psoriasis is fish oil, as it contains omega three fatty acids that reduce inflammation and lubricate joints. Take fish oil supplements or add salmon, sardines, and anchovies to your diet daily for best results.

Salmon: Include salmon in your diet as it is one of the most valuable food items to help keep psoriasis under control.

Garlic: Include garlic in your diet because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing inflammation caused by psoriasis.

Ginger: In case you have psoriasis, then include ginger juice or tea as these are effective home remedies to get rid of itching due to psoriasis within a week.

Zinc supplements: If you do not like eating fish or vegetarian, then taking zinc supplements will help get rid of psoriasis.

With this, you can also follow these instructions to prevent itching due to psoriasis.

  • Take lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet because these foods contain vitamins and minerals that help reduce inflammation, thus giving you relief from itching.
  • Always wear cotton clothes so that air can pass through your body quickly, and avoid wearing very tight clothes as it may trap moisture, sweat on your skin which may eventually lead to itching.
  • Avoid taking stress because it can cause psoriasis, and if you want to get rid of this disease, you should take the help of some breathing exercises that will relax your mind and body both.
  • If itching is too severe due to psoriasis, consult a dermatologist for getting treatment because home remedies may not work in all cases, especially when itching has become very intense.

How can homeopathy help to treat itching due to psoriasis?

A person suffering from itching due to psoriasis has dry, itchy, scaly skin lesions that are very irritating. Such patients suffer a lot because they cannot control the urge to scratching, and as a result, their skin gets more irritated, causing unbearable itchiness.

In this case, homeopathic remedies can effectively treat itching caused by psoriasis within few weeks. These pills provide relief from severe irritation, burning sensation which is going on with the affected area.

Thus, it can be concluded that homeopathic medicines have no side effects, and these can quickly cure itching due to psoriasis within a short duration of time. However, one should follow diet restrictions and overall treatment procedures advised by a homeopathy doctor. If you have any further questions regarding itching due to psoriasis, you can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy and consult a homeopathy specialist.

Homeopathy Doctor

Published by
Homeopathy Doctor

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