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Vitiligo Treatment via Homeopathy

Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which there are white patches on the skin. The patient is usually not troubled by pain, but he may feel itching and burning sensations at times. A dermatologist generally carries out the treatment for Vitiligo. But homeopathy can be used as an adjunct to the conventional medicine of vitiligo to provide relief from itching and burning sensations. “Homeopathy offers safe and effective treatment alternatives without any side effects.”

Let us know first what Vitiligo is?

Vitiligo is a skin disease that causes the loss of natural skin colour. People with this disease have patches of pink, white, or brown skin where their natural skin colour used to be. The extent of the white patches on the skin varies from person to person. There is no specific cause for Vitiligo, but people with any family history of this disease are likely to develop it. This disorder is not contagious, and there is no definite cure for Vitiligo yet.

What are the types of Vitiligo?

There are mainly two types of Vitiligo, i.e., nonsegmental vitiligo and segmental vitiligo. The main difference between these two types is that nonsegmental vitiligo affects only a specific area on one or more body parts. In segmental vitiligo, a more significant portion of the skin has white patches (depigmented areas) spread over various body parts.

What are the methods of Vitiligo treatment?

There are three types of Vitiligo treatment, i.e., camouflage, depigmentation, and immunity.

  • Camouflage is the application of a substance that helps to conceal the white patches on the skin. It does not treat vitiligo but masks its appearance.
  • Depigmentation is another option in which the affected person bleaches his skin by applying substances containing monobenzylether of hydroquinone or certain other chemicals.
  • Immunity refers to methods like phototherapy and laser therapy to trigger a natural repigmentation process in the body tissues.

How does homeopathy work for Vitiligo?

Homeopathic remedies help to restore the normal functioning of the body without any side effects. The method is such that it does not produce any symptoms or adverse reactions in the body. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural ingredients and are thus safe and effective for use.

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle method of treatment with absolutely no side effects. Homeopathy successfully treats vitiligo without producing any side effects by triggering an autoimmune reaction. The affected person’s immune system has pigments (melanin) that replace lost skin color as new skin tissues develop beneath the white patches.

What can be done about Vitiligo?

Physicians usually prescribe medicines such as hydroquinone to reduce the rate of melanin production, but these drugs are carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and may result in several other side effects. Hence, homeopathy offers safe and effective treatment alternatives without any side effects. Homeopathic remedies are completely natural, and they enhance the body’s immune system so that it can fight against various skin diseases like vitiligo. Homeopathy aims not only to treat the symptoms but also to treat the disease itself by strengthening and nourishing the entire system to function correctly on its own. The best part about homeopathy is that there are no side effects.

Why Choose Homeopathy for vitiligo treatment?

Treats the root cause of vitiligo: Homeopathy aims to remove the root cause of vitiligo and heal it completely. It helps to slow down the further destruction of melanocytes and increases the immunity of the body. The homeopathic remedies are selected precisely after a thorough assessment of the patient’s complete medical history, physical and mental constitution, etc., as taking into account all these factors are necessary for treating vitiligo thoroughly.

  • Alternative treatment for Vitiligo: Homeopathy offers safe alternative treatment options which are free from any adverse effects. However, it should be noted that homeopathy alone cannot treat Vitiligo effectively and efficiently. It can only aid to provide relief from annoying symptoms like itching and burning sensations in white patches on the skin or other parts of the body.
  • It has minimal side effects: Homeopathic remedies have no side effects because they are natural substances. They are deficient in strength and are completely safe and effective.
  • No recurrence of Vitiligo: Once a person is treated with homeopathy for Vitiligo, they will not develop this disease again in the future, even if the treatment is discontinued. It has been proved that homeopathic remedies have no side effects, so they can be stopped when desired without any consequences.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Homeopathy offers long-lasting relief from Vitiligo by strengthening and nourishing the entire system. It helps to re-grow the lost patches of skin as well by providing immunity against various infections.
  • Natural Medicines: Homeopathic treatments do not include any chemicals, toxins, or preservatives. On the other hand, they are entirely natural medicines based on individualized and highly diluted doses of plant substances, metals, etc. They work by stimulating the body’s defence system to treat Vitiligo.
  • Address the underlying concerns: Homeopathy aims at relieving the emotional stress and anxiety of a person because it has been found that these factors play a significant role in aggravating Vitiligo symptoms.
  • No scar formation: Homeopathy ensures no scar formations on the skin due to Vitiligo. The remedies help replace the damaged parts of the skin without any mark, making it a permanent cure for Vitiligo.
  • Holistic Approach: Homeopathy observes the person as a whole and treats them from all aspects, including physical, mental, and emotional factors.
  • Quick results: Homeopathic remedies act very quickly on the skin compared to other treatments because they are highly potent medicines given in minute doses.
  • Boosts overall health: Homeopathic remedies treat Vitiligo and strengthen various organs and systems of the body so that they can function properly without any disorders like vitiligo. Hence homeopathy is an ideal method for holistic healing.
  • Custom Made Treatment: Homeopathy focuses on individualized treatment for Vitiligo because it is a holistic system that observes the person as a whole. Homeopathic remedies are given very carefully after thoroughly assessing the complete medical history and all other factors.
    No need for surgery: Homeopathy is a safe and natural alternative medicine that guarantees no side effects. One does not require any surgery or additional treatments when they take homeopathic remedies regularly because they treat every aspect of Vitiligo, including physical, emotional, and mental causes, without any harmful effects.

When to visit a homeopathy doctor for vitiligo?

Homeopathy is the best alternative treatment option for Vitiligo as it aims to remove the root cause of this disease and heal it completely. It does not provide only symptomatic relief but also ensures long-lasting results. However, a homeopathy doctor should be visited when one requires an alternative treatment for Vitiligo which also treats other problems like stress, anxiety, etc., caused due to Vitiligo’s condition. You can consider visiting Dr.Batras homeopathic clinic.

How long does it take to get rid of Vitiligo with Homeopathy?

It is difficult for a person suffering from Vitiligo to predict the period required for a complete recovery because it depends on age, body constitution, and health conditions. However, one can say that in most cases, homeopathy works wonders in treating Vitiligo within months or weeks only. Still, even if there are no complete results within three years, there is also nothing to worry about as the treatments are highly effective. Homeopathy doctors at Dr Batras provide quick and effective treatment for vitiligo.

Homeopathic treatment offers a complete cure from Vitiligo and immense benefits like no recurrence of symptoms, quick relief, etc., and it is safe & natural as well. Hence, if you want to be completely cured of this disease, homeopathy is the best option.

There are many homeopathic treatments available in the market to treat Vitiligo which treats it from different aspects. Here we will discuss all those homeopathic remedies available for the treatment of Vitiligo, along with their complete description, benefits & cautions. Please note that before opting for any treatment, consult a doctor before use because some treatments are advised for specific types of Vitiligo, and they may not work on all.

  1. Arsenicum Album: It is one of the best remedies to treat Vitiligo fast. It acts very well in patchy Vitiligo, which has small pale areas with prominent borderline.

Symptoms & indications: This remedy is mainly applied on skin affected by Vitiligo. It helps replace the lost melanin pigment that causes Vitiligo and treats this disease from its root cause. Symptoms like weakness, restlessness, burning sensation, etc., are also treated using this remedy and vitiligo patches.

  1. Sulphur: Sulphur can be used as a natural cure for treating people suffering from any skin disease, including Vitiligo.

Symptoms & indications: Sulphur acts very well on itching and dryness of the skin caused due to vitiligo patches. It also treats all the symptoms associated with Vitiligo, like burning sensation, etc., irrespective of its type, i.e., localized or totalis.

  1. Lycopodium Clavatum: It is one of the best homeopathic remedies which can be treated both types of Vitiligo, i.e., Totalis as well as Localized, and primarily works well if patchy Vitiligo has spread over a larger area before treatment.

Symptoms & indications: This remedy helps remove the mottled white discolored patches caused on the skin due to Vitiligo and treats itching on the affected area. It is very beneficial in children suffering from this disease because it prevents the spread of vitiligo patches which may cause psychological effects on them.

  1. Natrum Muriaticum: This remedy can treat people with white-coloured patches with dry, rough & thickened skin caused due to Vitiligo.

Symptoms & indications: Apart from removing discoloured skin patches on the body, it also heals the disease from its root cause and makes your skin pigmented again. It soothes the pain associated with Vitiligo, like burning sensation, etc., very well.

  1. Sepia Officinalis: This remedy proves best when patchy Vitiligo has spread over a large area with dryness & rashes on the skin.

Symptoms & indications: This remedy helps remove the lost pigment cells and restores the natural colour of skin by providing moisture to it. It soothes the affected area from itching, burning sensation, etc., caused due to Vitiligo very well.

  1. SulfurIodatum: This is another remedy that treats Vitiligo effectively because its primary cause is loss of pigmentation from the body due to thyroid gland disorders such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Thus, this homeopathic treatment does not cure entirely but treats the associated symptoms like inflammation, warmth, etc., very fast and effectively. Symptoms that can be indicated using this condition include itching sensation etc.,
  2. Baryta Carbonica: This remedy proves best when white-colored patches have spread over a large area & skin becomes rough & dry with Vitiligo. It is also used for treating the underlying cause of disease like mental stress, fatigue, and other psychological problems. Symptoms that can be indicated using this condition include burning sensation etc.,
  3. Magnesia Phosphorica is one of the best homeopathic remedies that prove beneficial to treat this disease caused due to overexposure to sunlight.

Symptoms & indications: The symptoms that can be indicated using this remedy include itching, stinging sensation, etc., and they are relieved by washing the affected skin area with cold water.

  1. Selenium Metallicum: This homeopathic treatment is effective when white patches have spread over a large area with dark circles around the eyes, hair loss from the scalp, and teeth become loose or fall out.

Symptoms & indications: The burning sensation on skin with hair loss is also treated quickly using this remedy. It provides moisture and nutrients to your body cells helps in regaining them slowly.

  1. Pulsatilla Nigricans: This homeopathic treatment is used to treat patchy Vitiligo, especially on the face, hands, and neck, because these are the areas that get more exposed to sun rays & dust than other parts of the body, thereby causing this disease.

Symptoms & indications: The main symptoms associated with this condition include itching, burning sensation, etc., which can be cured very easily by washing the affected area with cold water regularly and applying petroleum jelly before going out in sunlight or dust.

How to choose the right homeopathic medicine for Vitiligo?

Vitiligo can be treated effectively with homeopathy, but finding the proper remedy is essential as it alone cannot treat the disease completely.

A qualified homeopathic physician must know about your complete personal and family history to prescribe an accurate treatment option as there are many homeopathic remedies available for curing vitiligo.

Further, three things that need to keep in mind while searching for a suitable homeopathic medicine are – Nature of the rash on the skin, i.e., the type of lesion on the skin (white patches formation). Pattern of Vitiligo, i.e., in which age group it has developed and for how long it has been present on skin – Symptoms associated with Vitiligo such as itching, pain, etc.

Thus, homeopathy treatment for Vitiligo treats this skin disorder very well and provides complete relief from symptoms associated with it. You can treat Vitiligo effectively with homeopathy by following the aforementioned tips and utilizing them in your day-to-day life. Homeopathic treatment for vitiligo and homeopathic remedies for vitiligo can cure vitiligo through homeopathy, treatment of Vitiligo. Visit a Homeopathic doctor today. You can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy now!

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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