Categories: Skin

The Reason Your Acne Isn’t Getting Better

Acne is a skin condition that usually begins during or after puberty. Most people aged between 12 and 24 get it, but older people get it too. Acne is caused by changes in your hormones due to different reasons like pregnancy, starting or stopping the contraceptive pill, stress and puberty. The sebaceous glands produce oil to keep your skin healthy and moist, which can become blocked with dead cells and bacteria. It has probably happened to you several times by now: You get horrible acne, spend weeks or even months trying everything in the book to clear it up, and when at last your skin starts to improve, something surprising happens. Your acne isn’t getting better anymore. You can’t remember having these many zits since, well, ever! What happened?

Here are the reasons why your acne is not getting better:

  1. You’re using the wrong treatment for your skin

Acne is not one size fits all. You can’t use a product that worked for some of your friends and assume it will work on you too. There are many reasons this could happen: maybe your friend’s acne was different from yours, or she had certain conditions like oily skin, while you have dry skin. In any case, if the treatment didn’t work on her, there is no reason to believe it will work on you just because it has been advertised as acne-fighting.

  1. You’re breaking out because of hormones again!

It doesn’t happen to everybody, but acne can worsen when they have their period for most women. The hormone levels in our body rise and fall during our menstrual cycle, which can trigger acne breakouts.

  1. You’re overeating the wrong foods

Food can affect your skin significantly, but not because it has “acne-causing” ingredients like sugar or chocolate (there’s no such thing). When we say “food,” we don’t mean chocolates or chips; we mean dairy products and food with many carbohydrates. People who eat more of these types of food usually have more acne than those who don’t. It depends on the person: some people see an improvement, while others see their skin getting worse when eating healthier. But it would help if you tried cutting out processed sugars, dairy products, and carbs for at least four weeks to notice the difference.

  1. You’re taking the wrong supplements

Taking vitamins and minerals can help your skin, but not all of them will work for you. If you’ve been trying one supplement after another and nothing has helped so far, there’s no reason to keep taking them. Vitamins are great for overall health, but they won’t cure your acne on their own – it takes more than this!

  1. You need to remove makeup before applying spot treatments

Here is the thing about pimples: only the open ones are supposed to be treated with creams or gels because these products can’t penetrate through closed pores. Makeup makes your pores clog up even more if you don’t correctly cleanse away all of it. It’s also a good idea to use makeup remover wipes before washing your face since they remove more makeup in less time.

  1. You’re using the wrong spot treatment for your skin type

This is probably one of the most common mistakes people make when trying to clear their acne: They pick the cheapest product they can find without reading any reviews or ingredients list because it “worked for their friend.” If you have dry, sensitive, oily, combination, or normal skin, different strengths and formulations will work better than others. And if you still think you can clear up your acne by squeezing them with bare hands, you couldn’t be more wrong! Unless, of course, your goal is to waste money on products that don’t work.

  1. You’re using too much makeup

It’s easy to forget that the more makeup you wear, the worse your skin condition can become. Makeup clogs pores and makes them look bigger than they are (So does oil). If you feel like wearing makeup every day is unavoidable, even when you have acne, at least take it off before going to sleep. This will give your skin time to breathe and heal itself naturally while you’re not putting any external factors on it.

  1. Your skincare routine isn’t complete

You cannot treat acne by just washing your face with soap or water! There are other things to consider if you want to get rid of pimples properly: exfoliation, moisturizing, toning, etc. Over-washing your face can also be bad for you because it dries out the skin, but so does under-washing it! Make sure you know what is best for your type of skin before applying any skincare products.

  1. You’re not drinking enough water

Your body needs at least 2 liters of water daily to function properly – and even more when you’re working out or sweating a lot. When the body doesn’t get enough water, it starts storing everything, including toxins that can lead to acne breakouts (Yes, this includes all that processed sugar too). Drinking enough water will flush them away naturally without forcing your liver and kidneys to work harder than they should. But make sure you stay hydrated with plain water, not caffeinated drinks.

  1. You are not completing your acne treatment routine

Acne treatment is a long process, and it can even take months to see results. When you start taking pills, serums, lotions, or whatever your dermatologist has given you, make sure you use them as advised by your skin doctor or dermatologist. This is the best way to achieve excellent results in the shortest amount of time possible.

  1. You’re focusing on treating acne symptoms rather than causes

If your pimples are caused by oily skin, then fighting oiliness will be more helpful than fighting acne symptoms like redness or swelling with medication that only treats symptoms; A better idea would be coming up with a skincare routine that limits oil production without breaking the bank.

  1. You’re not getting enough sun

Sun is very healthy, and it’s easy to get daily doses of sun exposure. Just make sure you don’t use sunscreen with more than 30 SPF, or you’ll only be protecting yourself from the natural Vitamin D that your skin needs.

  1. You’re not washing your pillowcases too often

Pores need to breathe just like skin does. If you don’t wash your pillowcases often enough, they will collect dirt and oil from the skin that can clog pores and lead to acne breakouts. It’s a good idea to change your pillowcase every few days if possible (If not every day).

  1. You’re not sleeping too much

Yes, sleep is essential for clear skin, but there is such thing as “too much.” When you get more than 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis, it can negatively affect your hormones; however, not getting enough sleep will make everything worse. To find the right amount of time for yourself!

  1. You need to see a skin doctor or dermatologist

We know it can be hard to find time for a skin doctor or dermatologist, but acne is the kind of condition that deserves professional help. Acne is not always caused by hormones (Even though it often is), and you should never treat it with over-the-counter products without knowing exactly what type of acne you have first. You need to make sure you go through all steps necessary to get rid of acne quickly without any side effects. Not doing so will only lead to frustration, lost money, and more pimples instead of fewer ones!

  1. You’re using harsh products

Harsh chemicals in skincare products can cause redness and irritation when used regularly, but this doesn’t make them a wrong choice per see. At least not if you bear one thing in mind: Harsh skincare products only work temporarily or not at all! It means they can either make your symptoms worse, or they won’t work for you. Just because the ingredients are right doesn’t mean it will treat your acne!

  1. You can’t find your acne triggers

We don’t know what’s causing your acne, but that’s OK – It doesn’t matter as much as getting rid of it is concerned. Keep an eye on every skincare product you use and try to stay away from them when something starts breaking out. Keep a journal if this is too difficult to do just by memory alone. Your best bet would be to bring samples of everything with you so you can keep track of what works. And what doesn’t!

  1. You’re touching your face too often

Again, the skin needs to breathe, and touching it too much will make it oilier and dirtier. Old skin cells can clog pores if they don’t get washed away regularly. Not washing your hands every time, you touch your face is another reason bacteria from touching your hand may end up causing acne breakouts.

  1. You’re not eating enough fruits and vegetables

Vegetables are great at fighting excess sebum production as well as free radicals that harm the outer layers of your skin. In other words: If you eat at least five servings of veggies every day, you’ll be preventing future pimples before they even appear! Eating red meat has been linked with an increased risk of acne, but there’s no need to give it up entirely. Aim for small portions of lean meat or fish instead. These can be some reasons your acne might not be going away, but there are many more. If you’re sick and tired of fighting acne every day without any result, let us help! Our homeopathic specialist can give you a complete list of reasons why your skin is breaking out and how to fix it immediately before it gets worse.

What is the best acne treatment?

Topical treatment

Topical treatment means any acne product you apply directly to your skin. It can be creams, gels, lotions. Anything that’s not a pill you take orally or something you put on your scalp. The majority of all products available for sale today will help you fight acne in one way or another, but only some of these treatments are natural and mild enough to be taken every day! You should give them a try if over-the-counter topical medications don’t work for you yet because they take a while for their effect to show up.

Hormonal treatment

If you’re a female, your birth control pills might be causing acne breakouts. Luckily, some alternatives can help you prevent future pimples just as well without making your skin worse! Keep in mind, though: Even if oral contraceptives have been proven to regulate hormones and cause fewer premenstrual outbreaks, they won’t make acne disappear from one day to another. It’s still going to take some time before you see results, even if these medicines help.


Isotretinoin is a treatment that a dermatologist can only prescribe. Unfortunately, it’s not a natural remedy, and you should take this drug as a last resort because it comes with a lot of severe side effects. Although this medication is highly efficient at fighting acne from the root cause, results aren’t going to show up overnight, even if you’re very dedicated to taking your pill every day as your doctor recommends! Be patient and wait for months before seeing any positive changes in your skin.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment is different from any other skincare option with no side effects. Homeopathic acne treatment is a milder and natural approach that doesn’t cause side effects. Thousands of people have tried this method worldwide, and even if you don’t see results in the first month, your skin will improve a lot with each ensuing month.

Instead of buying several acne supplements to help your skin get better, wouldn’t it be easier to try something that’s guaranteed to be effective? Homeopathy doctors have been successfully treating acne for decades, and the best part is it’s a safe, natural treatment with no side effects.

You need to find an excellent homeopathic specialist who will work out completely individualized treatment plan just for you. This ensures you’re getting exactly what your body needs to become happy, healthy, and free from acne breakouts! Only an experienced medical professional knows which type of therapy or supplements will help your acne disappear fast! You can book an appointment with a registered homeopathy doctor through OHO Homeopathy now!


Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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