Categories: Acne

When to start medication for acne?

Acne is a skin condition, meaning patients visit dermatologists in Delhi. Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne. It is generally seen in people aged 12 to 25 years old but can occur at any age. There are many over-the-counter medications and prescription medications used to treat acne. The goal of acne treatment is to clear the skin while minimizing side effects. Treatment options include topical medications, oral antibiotics, and isotretinoin. Many people require a combination of treatments to achieve optimal results. Let’s know about acne and when to start medication for acne?

What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition that includes blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Acne is caused by the skin’s oil glands making too much sebum (oil). Sebum clogs the pores on the face, chest, and back. Bacteria can grow in clogged pores and cause acne.

What are the different types of acne?

The different types of acne are:

• Acne vulgaris-This is the most common type of acne. It is caused by clogged pores and is seen on the face, chest, and back.

• Acne conglobata-This type of acne is rare. It is a severe form of acne that causes deep cysts and nodules.

• Acne rosacea-This type of acne is seen mainly in adults. It causes a red rash on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead.

• Pseudo folliculitis barbae-This type of acne is seen mainly in men. It is caused by ingrown hairs that can cause inflammation and scarring.

What are the risk factors for acne?

• Hormonal Changes-This includes the onset of puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

• Certain medications-Some drugs can cause acne. This includes corticosteroids, antiepileptic look, and iodides.

• Drugs that affect the immune system-These include lithium and derivatives of vitamin A.

• Genetics-Family history plays a vital role in the development of acne. People whose family members have suffered from acne are more likely to develop it as well.

What does an acne lesion like?

 Acne lesions vary depending on severity:

• Comedones-The first sign of acne is comedones or blackheads, as a small plugin the pore.

• Papules-These is small, red bumps that may be tender to the touch.

• Pustules-These are pus-filled lesions that are larger and more inflamed than papules.

• Nodules-These are large, solid lesions that can be quite painful.

• Cysts-These are extensive, fluid-filled lesions that can cause scarring.

When is the best time to start medication for acne?

According to dermatologists in Delhi, the best time to start medication for acne is: 

1. When blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples are seen: This is a milder type of acne and can be treated with over-the-counter medications.

2. When comedones have been present for several months: This signifies more severe acne that requires prescription medication to treat it.

3. In females who experience menstrual periods with their acne: Hormonal fluctuations worsen the symptoms of acne. It should be controlled with oral contraceptives or other hormonal therapies prescribed by dermatologists in Delhi.

4. In males, when their acne does not improve after puberty: It may indicate underlying conditions like hyperthyroidism that skin doctors in Delhi must diagnose.

5. When people use topical medications does not work: This may indicate more severe forms of acne that require prescription medication to treat it.

6. When the lesions are inflamed and tender to the touch:  This is a sign of a more severe form of acne and should be treated with prescription medication.

7. When the lesions are extensive and affect a large area of the skin: This is a sign of severe acne that requires treatment with oral medication.

8. When there is significant scarring from previous acne lesions:  This signifies severe forms of acne and should be treated with prescription medication.

9. When there is a need to prevent future acne outbreaks:  This may be the time to start a medication for acne that will help to prevent future outbreaks.

10. When acne is resistant to over-the-counter treatments medications: This is a sign that it requires prescription medication to treat it.

You must visit a dermatologist in Delhi if you have acne. A dermatologist or skin doctor can prescribe the proper medication to treat your acne and help prevent future outbreaks.

What are the benefits of treating acne on time with the help of dermatologists or skin doctors in Delhi:

1. It prevents the formation of acne lesions:  If the acne is treated at an early stage, it can prevent the formation of more severe lesions like nodules and cysts.

2. It limits scarring: If the acne is treated correctly and on time, it can limit the scarring that results from the lesions.

3. It improves self-esteem: Acne can cause a great deal of emotional stress. Treatment can help to improve self-esteem and confidence.

4. The medication is tailored to your individual needs: Dermatologists or skin doctors in Delhi will prescribe tailored to your specific needs. This will help to ensure that you get the best possible treatment for your acne.

5. They have minimal side effects: Over-the-counter acne treatments generally have very few side effects because they contain only mild ingredients that work to treat the symptoms of acne without harming the skin or body as a whole. This makes them excellent alternatives to prescription medication as the latter often has severe side effects associated with it.

6. You receive expert advice: Dermatologists or skin doctors in Delhi will advise you on how to treat your acne and what products you can use at home.

7. You can choose among better acne treatment options: Dermatologists in Delhi offer various acne treatment options, including oral and topical medications, laser therapy, and chemical peels. This allows you to choose the best treatment for your individual needs.

8. You can get expert help for difficult-to-treat cases: If you have tried over-the-counter treatments for acne and found that they have not worked, you can consult a dermatologist in Delhi for help. Dermatologists often have more experience treating severe forms of acne and can offer you better results.

Medication for acne should be started when blackheads, whiteheads, papules are seen as the mild types which otc medications can treat. If comedones are present for months, it is more severe, and oral medications are required. In extreme cases, oral medications and isotretinoin are prescribed for long-term acne treatment.

Some of the benefits of early treatment are that it can clear the skin before scarring occurs, limit the amount of scarring, improve self-esteem and provide expert advice from a dermatologist. People with difficulty treating acne can also seek help from dermatologists who have more experience in this area. Oral and topical medications, laser therapy, and chemical peels are some of the available options for acne treatment. Please consult your nearest skin specialist in Delhi for better guidance related to Acne Treatment.

What are the types of medication for acne?

Acne treatment is tailored to your specific needs by dermatologists in Delhi. There are several different types of medications used to treat acne. These include:

1. Retinoids-These are topical medications that can be applied as creams or lotions, sometimes in combination with other treatments. Acne experts in Delhi recommend these drugs because they have anti-inflammatory properties that fight against bacteria and remove dead cells from the skin’s surface.

2. Antibiotics-Dermatologists in Delhi suggest this type of drug when there is a high number of pore blockages or cysts present on your face. They may also prescribe antibiotics if inflammatory lesions on your back or shoulders where creams may not reach well enough to provide relief.

3. Hormonal therapies-Medications containing hormones are often prescribed for women who have acne flares around their menstrual period. These drugs work to control sebum production and lessen the number of breakouts that occur.

 4. Isotretinoin-This is a potent oral medication used to treat severe cases of acne. It is important to note that isotretinoin can cause serious side effects, so it should only be taken under the guidance of a dermatologist in Delhi.

5. Lasers and light therapy-Laser and light therapy use energy from lasers or light sources to target the skin cells producing too much sebum. This type of treatment can be helpful for people who have mild to moderate acne because it can penetrate deep into the skin to destroy sebum-producing cells.

6. Dermabrasion: This procedure uses a rotating wire brush or diamond wheel to remove the top layers of skin. It is often combined with other treatments, such as laser therapy or chemical peels, to improve the results.

7. Chemical peels: A chemical peel involves the application of an acid to the skin that causes it to exfoliate. This removes the top layer of skin and can help to improve the appearance of acne scars.

8. Acne surgery: If acne is severe and does not respond to other treatments, dermatologists in Delhi may recommend surgery. This involves removing the blockages from the pores and may be done using lasers, scalpels, or other instruments.

What are some common side effects of acne medications?

As with all medications, some possible side effects are associated with acne treatments. Some examples include redness, dryness, peeling, and skin irritation. It is important to speak with your dermatologist in Delhi about the possible side effects of any medication you consider. They can help you decide which treatment is best for you and will advise you on how to manage any side effects that may occur.

The decision of when to start a medication for acne depends on the severity of your condition. If your only concern is the presence of blackheads and whiteheads, then over-the-counter medications may be sufficient. However, if you do not want to start your acne treatment with a conventional mode of treatment, you can consider homeopathic acne treatment.

Why should you choose homeopathic acne treatment?

When it comes to curing the root cause of acne, homeopathic acne treatment is what you should go for. To understand the working of this mode of treatment, it is essential to know what homeopathy means. Homeopathy is not a single medicine or remedy but rather a system of medicine that treats the entire person, taking into account your unique physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

All the herbs used in homeopathic medicines are 100% natural substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals – none are synthetic. They are extremely safe because they do not have any side effects associated with them, as all other allergy treatments for skin conditions work on similar lines.

What are the benefits of homeopathic acne treatment?

1. Acne treatment in Delhi with homeopathy is gentle, natural, and works well on all skin types. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects other than conventional medications that have severe adverse reactions associated with them.

2. Homeopathy has a holistic approach towards curing acne by treating its root cause rather than just the symptoms. This makes it a safer and more natural way of dealing with acne problems.

3. Skin routines are reduced to once or twice a week depending on your skin type from daily washing using harsh soaps etc., which can lead to dryness and cause more oil production, further worsening the problem! In the case of homeopathic remedies, there is no such need for herbal supplements for skincare as they come under complete package for acne cure through homeopathy.

4. There are numerous benefits associated with homeopathic acne treatment, such as it can cure Acne within 2 to 3 months without any side effects that you might face from their conventional counterparts like antibiotics (which can lead to yeast infections and rashes), harsh topical treatments (that often irritate the skin) and oral medications (that cause congenital disabilities when used by pregnant women).

Besides engaging in some of these therapies, making changes in your lifestyle may also help you ensure a good outcome:

1. Limiting or avoiding foods with refined sugars and carbohydrates: Excess sugar and carbohydrate consumption contributes to increased insulin production by the body. Insulin triggers sebum production, leading to clogged pores – one of the factors behind acne.

2. Limiting or avoiding dairy products: Excess dairy consumption can also result in an elevated insulin level, which again contributes to sebum production and clogged pores – resulting in acne breakouts.

3. Avoiding greasy food: Grease from fried foods tends to accumulate in your skin, leading to acne over time. This makes it essential for you to avoid consuming these foods often or limit their consumption if they are a dietary staple for you.

4. Drinking at least eight glasses of water daily: It is necessary for healthy functioning of the body, including proper oil secretion by the sebaceous glands that are crucial for maintaining good skin health by ensuring smooth flow of sebum instead of pores with excess production, thus preventing acne breakouts.

5. Limiting or avoiding caffeinated beverages: Caffeine is known to stimulate sebaceous glands that may contribute to increased oil production and could lead to acne problems. Therefore, you should limit your consumption of caffeinated beverages to prevent or keep your acne under control.

6. Getting enough sleep every night: Lack of adequate sleep can reduce our body’s ability to fight toxins, making us more susceptible to acne infections. Therefore, you need to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every day so that your body gets time off from its daily work, which includes fighting acne-causing bacteria in your system too!

7. Maintaining a healthy weight: Overweight people are more prone to developing acne because the extra weight puts more pressure on the skin, leading to blackheads and whiteheads. In addition, overweight people often have hormonal imbalances that can aggravate acne. Therefore, you need to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise to keep your skin healthy and free from acne breakouts.

8. Practicing stress-relieving techniques: Our body releases certain hormones that can aggravate acne when we are stressed. Therefore, you need to practice some stress-relieving techniques such as yoga or meditation so that your body’s hormone levels remain regulated and do not trigger an acne breakout.

9. Exfoliating your skin regularly: Dead skin cells can accumulate on the surface of the skin and block pores, leading to the formation of acne. Exfoliation removes these dead skin cells, making your skin smoother and preventing blocked pores and acne breakouts.

10. Using natural ingredients for skincare: Some ingredients such as tea tree oil, witch hazel, and lavender oil have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help keep your skin free from acne, bacteria, and inflammation – two of the leading causes behind acne breakouts. Using these ingredients in your skincare routine can help you achieve clear skin without resorting to harsh chemicals or medications.

Making some simple changes in your lifestyle and using some natural ingredients for skin care can help you get rid of your acne and achieve clear skin. So, follow these tips and start seeing results soon! For more information, you can book an appointment with a registered homeopathy doctor for acne through OHO Homeopathy now!

Homeopathy Doctor

Published by
Homeopathy Doctor

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