Categories: Health

How To Prevent Acne From Coming Back?

Acne isn’t a choice, but it’s also not something you have to live with. You can prevent acne from coming back. There are many causes for acne, so there is no cure-all treatment that will instantly make your blemishes disappear forever. But what you can control are the factors that lead to breakouts in the first place. Here are some tips for how to prevent acne from coming back:

Don’t touch your face: This is a big one! When you feel or pick at your acne, the bacteria on your fingers can transfer to other areas of skin and make them break out too. Keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.

  • Wash up before bedtime: You should always wash off all of your makeup and cleanse your skin before going to bed, but it’s especially important when you’ve been breaking out. When you sleep, oils and dirt can build up on the surface of your face and clog pores which then lead to breakouts. Make sure that you wash twice: once with a gentle cleanser to take off makeup or dirt and then again with an acne-fighting one for clearer skin in the morning!
  • Don’t touch recently popped pimples:Â When you pop a pimple, all of the bacteria on your fingers get into your skin and can cause more acne to form around it. If you have to touch something after popping a zit, make sure that you wash your hands afterward or put on gloves to prevent infection!
  • Wear sunscreen every day:Â Getting some sun is healthy, but getting too much sun can damage your skin and lead to breakouts. Wearing sunscreen every day prevents future dark spots from forming and protects against current ones!
  • Take zinc tablets:Â Zinc is suitable for all kinds of health benefits like building up your immune system, but many people don’t realize that it’s also good for helping you fight off acne. Make sure that you take zinc tablets daily, and your breakouts should be a thing of the past!
  • Don’t eat sugar:Â Sugar and processed foods can lead to big blood sugar spikes, which make your body produce more hormones like androgens (the male sex hormone), which can cause acne. Cut down on sugary snacks to keep these hormonal changes at bay.
  • Eat meat, eggs, nuts, and green leafy vegetables: Fruits and veggies are great for your skin because they contain antioxidants that help eliminate any free radicals that might be causing blemishes. Eating lots of meats, eggs, nuts, and leafy greens is especially beneficial since these are high in zinc as well- minerals like zinc and iron can help reduce acne.
  • Please don’t stay up too late:Â When you sleep, your body repairs itself, including any damage to the skin. This is when your pores are at their smallest and least likely to become clogged with dirt and oil, which can cause pimples. Try going to bed a little earlier one night and see how it affects the number of breakouts you get in the morning!
  • Don’t smoke cigarettes:Â There are many health reasons to quit smoking, but did you know that leaving can also make your skin look better? Smoking decreases oxygen flow to the skin, slowing down the healing process when pimples form. Try quitting smoking for just one month- if that’s too long, then at least try cutting back- and see how much more beautiful your complexion gets!
  • Reduce stress:Â The more stressed out you are, the more your body produces sebum, and that can lead to breakouts. Diets high in sugar also cause insulin production, raising sebum production and messing with your skin’s normal shedding process. Plus, stress makes you less likely to follow your plan of attack when it comes to squeezing or popping pimples.
  • Keep the sweat away: Wear an oil-free sunscreen with SPF 30 in it if you’ll be outside sweating. Sweat can clog pores, leading back to breakouts. Also, make sure your gym bag stays clean by throwing out any raggedy, dirty sports bras or shirts that are hiding in there. Showers should be short and steam-free to reduce the chance of breakouts.
  • Avoid certain medications: Birth control pills and other types of medication can cause acne breakouts. Be sure to talk with your dermatologist about non-acne-related prescriptions to see other options besides the pill.
  • Keep a record:Â The more you keep track of your skin’s condition, the better able you’ll be to prevent acne from coming back. Please keep a form on your smartphone, tablet, or computer and update it regularly as new information becomes available.
  • Get enough sleep:Â Studies show that people who get less than six hours of sleep a night are more likely to have acne breakouts. Make sure you’re getting at least seven hours of sleep nightly- if your nighttime routine keeps you up late, try using an alarm clock with a bright light (bright lights tell the body it’s time to wake up).
  • Stay Hydrated:Â Drinking plenty of water- at least eight glasses a day- helps your body stay hydrated so it can rid itself of toxins more efficiently.
  • Avoid harsh scrubbing:Â Scrubbing your face too hard can cause irritation that leads to inflammation, which is a leading cause of acne. Be sure to use a gentle cleanser, and don’t try to scrub your acne away.
  • Teach your pores to behave: Sometimes, pore-clogging pores result from too much sunlight combined with heavy skincare or makeup. When you go outside, be sure to use sunscreen first—it will keep the sun’s rays from penetrating your skin and turning breakouts into a full-blown problem. Try to use a foundation that doesn’t clog pores and avoid pore-clogging lipsticks.
  • Protect your pillow:Â Your phone, car keys, and earrings may be covered in acne-causing bacteria that can transfer to your skin while you sleep. Cover your pillowcase with a layer of all-cotton fabric to keep breakouts at bay so pores don’t come into contact with any possible irritants during the night.
  • Time your skincare:Â If you’re putting on makeup, wait at least 30 minutes before you put on acne medications. That way, the active ingredients in your skincare won’t be weakened by the chemicals in your makeup or sunscreen.
  • Know the facts:Â Acne usually affects skin with more sebum, so using over-the-counter oil-free acne products designed for normal skin can help. With regular use, dermatologists have succeeded in controlling acne and preventing breakouts from returning time after time.
  • Remember to speak up:Â Your dermatologist is your best resource for helping you treat acne long term. If you don’t see results from your acne medication, make an appointment to discuss other options.
  • You can also try some home remedies to prevent acne; there are some home remedies you can use to prevent acne:

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural remedy that soothes skin and helps heal acne scars. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce the swelling and irritation associated with acne breakouts. To use aloe vera, rip open a fresh leaf over your sink, pour the gel into a small container, and then apply directly onto the affected area. You can also buy gel in a bottle from drugstores or health stores.

Baking Soda

As well as being an exfoliator when used with apple cider vinegar, baking soda can be used on its own to combat oily skin conditions such as acne because it reduces oiliness naturally. If you have acne-prone skin, try mixing three parts water with 1 part baking soda to form a paste, then wash your face with it and rinse well.

Coconut Oil

It’s no surprise that coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular in the beauty world. This natural oil helps unclog pores while providing anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and irritation caused by acne. You can do a quick facial steam using just one teaspoon of coconut oil and boiling water or apply directly to the area for an overnight treatment.


Like aloe vera, honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it great for soothing skin conditions such as acne. It also works incredibly well when combined with lemon juice! Mix equal parts, raw honey, with fresh lemon juice, spread over the affected area and leave for 20 minutes—you don’t even need to rinse it off.

Tea Tree Oil

While there’s no scientific proof that tea tree oil reduces acne, many people swear by this natural remedy! It’s an antibacterial agent that can kill bacteria living on the surface of the skin that causes breakouts, so if you have oily or combination skin, try dabbing a little tea tree oil on your pimples before they reach the surface of your skin.

Food items to eat to prevent acne:

  1. Oatmeal:Â Oats are great for reducing acne because they have anti-inflammatory properties. Oatmeal also helps reduce excess oil production, which is one of the leading causes of acne breakouts.
  2. Honey:Â Honey not only makes your skin feel better, but it heals existing acne. This natural remedy will help unclog pores and kill bacteria that cause breakouts while also reducing redness and irritation caused by pimples.
  3. Garlic:Â Not only can garlic boost your immune system and get you healthy, but it can prevent future outbreaks of acne as well! Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so sprinkling a little on your food or taking supplements with it in them may help keep flare-ups away if you tend to suffer from them.
  4. Avocado: This is a great fruit to consume to reduce your acne problems because it’s packed with healthy fats that promote healthy skin and hair. Along with zinc, Vitamin E, and potassium, avocados will hydrate the skin and improve elasticity while reducing excess sebum production—yes, please!
  5. Salmon: If you’re prone to breakouts or wear makeup regularly, make sure you load up on this fish as it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can help control oil production and keep pores clean and unclogged.
  6. Green Tea:Â Another one of those essential drinks for preventing acne flare-ups, green tea reduces redness and inflammation caused by pimples quickly so you can get to the root of the problem and prevent future outbreaks.
  7. Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries don’t just taste delicious; they’re packed full of antioxidants that keep your cells healthy and strong—and healthy cells can lead to clear skin! Aim for a few servings every day.
  8. Tomatoes:Â Tomatoes are another powerhouse fruit for eating to reduce acne because they contain many antioxidants and vitamin A which helps keep your skin healthy and robust.
  9. Lean Meat:Â This type of protein provides the body with zinc which is excellent for fighting acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation in the area. Additionally, it helps to get rid of toxins that cause breakouts and keep your digestive system healthy too!
  10. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like kale contain Vitamin A, C, and K—all amazing vitamins that will increase blood flow and boost the production of new cells, making them great for healing pimples. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help prevent wrinkles often linked to severe acne problems!

You can prevent acne with the proper homeopathic treatment:

Choose homeopathic acne treatment. If you have severe acne, do consult a doctor. Homeopathic medicine is very effective in treating acne and preventing future breakouts.

Benefits of using the homeopathic treatment for acne:

  1. It is a safe way of treating acne problems naturally without any side effects.
  2. Treatment using homeopathic medicine helps in curing the root cause of acne and preventing future breakouts.
  3. Homeopathy is very effective for all skin types, including sensitive, dry, oily, combination, etc.
  4. Homeopathic remedies do not have any side effects when compared to the conventional acne treatment method.
  5. Homeopathic medicines help reduce redness and inflammation caused by pimples quickly so you can get to the root of the problem and prevent future outbreaks.
  6. In homeopathy treatment, all types of acne, including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, nodules etc., are treated with the proper remedy.

Homeopathic treatment for acne helps prevent future acne outbreaks and enables you to get rid of this problem permanently. Book an appointment with a registered homeopathy doctor through OHO Homeopathy now!

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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